cvs commit: hugs98/src/winhugs DlgMain.c Header.h IORemap.c RtfWindow.c

Ross Paterson ross at
Thu Sep 8 12:17:49 EDT 2005

ross        2005/09/08 09:17:49 PDT

  Modified files:
    src/winhugs          DlgMain.c Header.h IORemap.c RtfWindow.c 
  from Neil Mitchell: repair interact and getChar for WinHugs.
  The implementation in this version is superior to that in the old version
  of WinHugs, including that the stop button now stops immediately (not
  after one char is pressed) and the status bar changes to advise the user
  that input is required.
  The approach uses a Content semaphore to pause the calculating thread
  when no input is available. Like all threading code, this is not
  particularly fun to write or easy to understand.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.10      +15 -3     hugs98/src/winhugs/DlgMain.c
  1.4       +7 -0      hugs98/src/winhugs/Header.h
  1.3       +76 -1     hugs98/src/winhugs/IORemap.c
  1.5       +8 -1      hugs98/src/winhugs/RtfWindow.c

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