Releasing WinHugs

Neil Mitchell ndmitchell at
Wed Sep 7 11:10:57 EDT 2005


With the patches that have been submitted, the bug list for WinHugs
hits 0, see .

If anyone knows of any other bugs, or finds any, please let me know.
If anyone thinks anything in the polish section is a bit more
important also let me know. I think I'm ready for limited beta
testing, so if anyone wants that also let me know. Also if anyone has
any overall comments (I miss this, why did you change that, how do I
do this, i can't see the use of that) I'd love to hear them.

When does it suit to release WinHugs? It needs a bit longer for beta
testing etc, but is a Hugs release being planned soon, or should
WinHugs be released separately? How stable is the Hugs code base, i.e.
is it release worthy?



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