cvs commit: hugs98/src/winhugs/installer Installer.vcproj

Ross Paterson ross at
Mon Oct 10 19:11:15 EDT 2005

ross        2005/10/10 16:11:14 PDT

  Modified files:
    src/winhugs/installer Installer.vcproj 
  from Neil Mitchell: build static versions of the required dll's into the
  program. This increases the base installer size by 30Kb, but removes
  requirements on any dll's beyond those provided by standard windows
  95 and above. It also toggles on a pile of size optimisations which
  get back 5Kb of that increase, so the end installer size is 55Kb, and
  entirely any windows compatible.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.2       +10 -7     hugs98/src/winhugs/installer/Installer.vcproj

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