WinHugs beta

Krasimir Angelov kr.angelov at
Thu Oct 6 09:43:56 EDT 2005

I tried WinHugs and found the following problems:

- I am using TextPad but it takes too long time to open TextPad from Hugs.
- In the module manager the "Add" button does nothing, or at least I
don't know how to use it.
- Prelude.getLine function works but I can't see the characters which
I am typing in.
- Prelude.interact starts an infinite loop and I can type in what ever
I want but the interactive function is never called. I tried "interact
id" expression.


2005/10/6, Neil Mitchell <ndmitchell at>:
> Hi,
> I've compiled up all the WinHugs goodies, including the new installer,
> into an installable package. Its available at
> [17Mb]. If anyone wants to try it out, i'd be greateful to hear any
> feedback! lists
> all the things that are "wrong" with it. The only big thing is no
> uninstaller, and since its installation is basically creating a
> directory, thats not so much of a problem (it can be uninstalled by
> hand with the delete key in about 10 seconds).
> Comments, complaints, bug reports all welcome. If you just download it
> and it all works fine I'd still be interested in hearing that.
> Thanks
> Neil
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