cvs commit: hugs98/src errors.c script.c hugs98/src/winhugs General.c IORemap.c Winhugs.h

Neil Mitchell ndmitchell at
Wed Oct 5 07:15:54 EDT 2005

> In C, p[n] is defined as *(p+n) (see [1], with addition of
> pointers and integers defined as advancing the pointer by n array
> elements (6.5.6).  So
>         (p = &p[5])  ===  (p = &*(p+5))  ===  (p = p+5)  ===  (p += 5)
> whatever the value of sizeof(*p).
> [1] ISO/IEC 9899:1999 <>,
>     but this part was there from the beginning.

You learn something new every day :)


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