WinHugs beta 2

Ross Paterson ross at
Tue Nov 1 12:07:50 EST 2005

On Tue, Nov 01, 2005 at 03:11:48PM +0000, Neil Mitchell wrote:
> I've packaged this up as WinHugs and MinHugs - a minimal version of
> WinHugs which takes up less space and has less libraries/packages.
> Since I hope that university students will be installing this on their
> machines to do their work, it needs to be small enough so it can be
> installed on their quota.

I'm planning to strip down the source distribution too, as soon as Cabal
is a little more capable.  The plan is to include just the base, haskell98
and Cabal packages, with the rest as separate Cabal packages.  That should
give binary packagers more options.

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