Offer to help with WinHugs

Neil Mitchell ndmitchell at
Thu May 19 09:14:57 EDT 2005


I've been using WinHugs for a few years now. I notice that the 2005
release does not contain Windows binaries, which I think is a shame,
because its a very nice environment for developing in (particularly
WinHugs). I am volunteering to get WinHugs building, compiled, and to
create an installer for it (as much as I can). I have years of
experience in Haskell and C++. I have already checked out the CVS
source for Hugs, and have the GUI popping up (before failing to load
the prelude, but I'm sure thats minor).

Is anyone else working on this, and would this be useful to the Hugs
development? Are there any things I should be aware of before I start
this process?



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