cvs commit: hugs98/libraries/Hugs Int.hs Prelude.hs Word.hs

Ross Paterson ross at
Wed Nov 17 05:49:55 EST 2004

ross        2004/11/17 02:49:55 PST

  Modified files:
    libraries/Hugs       Int.hs Prelude.hs Word.hs 
  make the instances of Enum for builtin types conform to the Report
  (mad as it is in places)
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.12      +20 -14    hugs98/libraries/Hugs/Int.hs
  1.45      +60 -26    hugs98/libraries/Hugs/Prelude.hs
  1.19      +18 -33    hugs98/libraries/Hugs/Word.hs

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