cvs commit: hugs98/tools hugs-hc

Ian Lynagh igloo at
Fri Nov 12 12:41:47 EST 2004

On Fri, Nov 12, 2004 at 04:39:20PM +0000, Ross Paterson wrote:
> The timeout patch also makes several tests GHC-only; perhaps it could
> be wrapped up somehow.  (Not that Hugs doesn't need a timeout sometimes.)

Do you mean

The only ghc-specific bit is working out what the value of TIMEOUT
should be, but that's not part of the patch. It's done by whoever runs
the testsuite. If you leave it blank then it will not use a timeout, or
you could find a more suitable heuristic for hugs. Timing hugs
evaluating something like "let f 0 = (); f x = f (x-1) in f 1000000" and
multiplying it by a suitable conservative constant should do.

And while I'm here, this work is really cool! What would be even better
from my PoV is if we made sure the testsuite had no unexpected failures
or passes for the last 2 or 3 releases of the implementations. This
might need a slightly more flexible extension of the per-implementation
stuff you've added.

We might then be able to have the Debian packages run the latest version
(if it doesn't take /too/ long proportionate to the build time; I guess
skipping the real programs section if necessary should give a
significant speed boost, though) when they build and fail if anything
unexpected happens. Currently only ghc-cvs runs the testsuite, and it
suceeds regardless of the outcome (on the grounds that unexpected stuff
is, err, expected, and should anything actually unexpected happen we
don't want the compiler thrown away as then we can't investigate them).


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