cvs commit: hugs98/src opts.c server.c hugs98/docs/users_guide miscellaneous.xml options.xml

Ross Paterson ross at
Thu Nov 11 18:55:35 EST 2004

ross        2004/11/11 15:55:35 PST

  Modified files:
    src                  opts.c server.c 
    docs/users_guide     miscellaneous.xml options.xml 
  Turn off the re-parsing of arguments for options by runhugs (and ffihugs).
  This was there to cope with the problem that #! scripts can contain only
  one argument, but presents a very confusing picture in other uses.  It is
  replaced by an option -X<str>, requesting that <str> be parsed for options
  (suggested by Sven 18 months ago).
  This will break old #! scripts with 2 or more arguments (they will need
  -X added in front of the options) but the old setup was too complex.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.17      +3 -0      hugs98/src/opts.c
  1.44      +3 -4      hugs98/src/server.c
  1.8       +11 -0     hugs98/docs/users_guide/miscellaneous.xml
  1.11      +61 -9     hugs98/docs/users_guide/options.xml

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