cvs commit: hugs98/libraries/tools convert_libraries hugs98/src connect.h opts.c opts.h runhugs.c static.c hugs98/docs/users_guide miscellaneous.xml options.xml hugs98/tests testScript hugs98/tests/ffi Empty.output hugs98/tools hugs-hc

Ross Paterson ross at
Wed Dec 1 12:33:25 EST 2004

ross        2004/12/01 09:33:25 PST

  Modified files:
    libraries/tools      convert_libraries 
    src                  connect.h opts.c opts.h runhugs.c 
    docs/users_guide     miscellaneous.xml options.xml 
    tests                testScript 
    tools                hugs-hc 
  Added files:
    tests/ffi            Empty.output 
  Change the syntax for ffihugs.
  was:	ffihugs +G -98 +Ltest.c +L-lm Test.hs
  now:	ffihugs -98 Test.hs test.c -lm
  The +G and +L options are gone; options before the module go to Hugs,
  arguments after it go to the C compiler.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.10      +1 -1      hugs98/libraries/tools/convert_libraries
  1.13      +9 -8      hugs98/libraries/tools/
  1.89      +4 -3      hugs98/src/connect.h
  1.19      +0 -5      hugs98/src/opts.c
  1.11      +0 -1      hugs98/src/opts.h
  1.22      +19 -26    hugs98/src/runhugs.c
  1.173     +7 -5      hugs98/src/static.c
  1.11      +4 -2      hugs98/docs/users_guide/miscellaneous.xml
  1.13      +34 -21    hugs98/docs/users_guide/options.xml
  1.66      +10 -9     hugs98/tests/testScript
  1.5       +5 -7      hugs98/tools/hugs-hc

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