cvs commit: hugs98 Readme hugs98/docs

Alastair Reid alastair at
Sat Sep 20 12:17:17 EDT 2003

> Ideally we'd like to keep everyone happy.  Sometimes that's not
> possible, and this is one of those cases.  Now, the 'with' keyword isn't
> doing anyone any harm where it is apart from adding a bit of complexity
> to the parser, and I'm not really bothered by that, so I really don't
> mind leaving it in if you're still using it.

Except that it conflicts with an identifier used in a standard library.

Could we fix this using the same ugly hack we use for the 'as' keyword?  That 
is, treat it as a keyword only when used in the right context.  I'm not sure 
of the answer - seems like it would require extra lookahead to decide which 
way 'with' is being used.


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