cvs commit: hugs98/src HsFFI.h builtin.c machdep.c

Sigbjorn Finne sof at
Tue Oct 14 23:15:40 EDT 2003

sof         2003/10/14 22:15:40 PDT

  Modified files:
    src                  HsFFI.h builtin.c machdep.c 
  Restore binary HugsAPI4 vtbl compatibility (as supported by
  prev releases.) The HugsAPI5 is the new & re-ordered one.
  As the HugsAPI4 vtbl was an extension of API2 & API3,
  these are supported too.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.13      +87 -5     hugs98/src/HsFFI.h
  1.67      +90 -6     hugs98/src/builtin.c
  1.102     +7 -5      hugs98/src/machdep.c

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