Special Invitation :-) HC&A Report (November 2003)

Ross Paterson ross at soi.city.ac.uk
Wed Nov 5 00:53:28 EST 2003

On Tue, Nov 04, 2003 at 06:02:55PM +0000, C.Reinke wrote:
> I notice that you do not mention yourself among the maintainers.
> In fact, there are only contributors, no maintainers left?

I think that's an accurate picture of the situation.  There is no person
or small group of people with both the depth of knowledge of the code
and the available time to assume responsibility for Hugs.  But still
most bugs get fixed, and new development continues, as different people
find the time.  The docs have always said post to the mailing lists
rather than individuals, and that's even more true now.

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