cvs commit: hugs98/src array.c builtin.c connect.h dirprim.c interns.c iomonad.c static.c stmonad.c timeprim.c
Sat, 25 Jan 2003 17:03:59 -0800

ross        2003/01/25 17:03:59 PST

  Modified files:
    src                  array.c builtin.c connect.h dirprim.c 
                         interns.c iomonad.c static.c stmonad.c 
  Introduce a definition
  	#define IOArity 2
  for the number of arguments (continuations) passed to an IO action, and
  use it consistently for all IO primitives.
  This is currently just a cosmetic change, but the plan is to change IOArity
  to 1 when the unused failure continuation is removed from the IO type.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.7       +17 -17    hugs98/src/array.c
  1.45      +6 -6      hugs98/src/builtin.c
  1.61      +4 -3      hugs98/src/connect.h
  1.15      +13 -13    hugs98/src/dirprim.c
  1.9       +4 -4      hugs98/src/interns.c
  1.40      +106 -107  hugs98/src/iomonad.c
  1.135     +5 -5      hugs98/src/static.c
  1.9       +4 -4      hugs98/src/stmonad.c
  1.8       +15 -15    hugs98/src/timeprim.c