cvs commit: hugs98/src storage.c storage.h static.c machdep.c connect.h

Sigbjorn Finne
Fri, 31 Jan 2003 22:36:56 -0800

sof         2003/01/31 22:36:56 PST

  Modified files:
    src                  storage.c storage.h static.c machdep.c 
  Backwards compatibility for IO primitives implemented using
  HugsAPI1-4. IO actions now take a single continuation rather
  than two, causing the stated arity of IO primitives built
  with these earlier versions of HugsAPI to be off by one. By
  keeping track of what IO representation an extension DLL
  assumes, we adjust the arity of IO primitives when they're
  added to the name table in storage.c:addPrims().
  ToDo: bump HugsAPI up to change in functionality,
  but if you implement HugsAPI5 you're assumed to be using
  new IO monad rep.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.61      +27 -6     hugs98/src/storage.c
  1.49      +3 -2      hugs98/src/storage.h
  1.136     +13 -4     hugs98/src/static.c
  1.75      +13 -4     hugs98/src/machdep.c
  1.65      +3 -2      hugs98/src/connect.h