Ross Paterson
Thu, 7 Aug 2003 20:41:33 +0100
On Thu, Aug 07, 2003 at 11:09:12AM -0700, Jeffrey R Lewis wrote:
> Is the build process documented somewhere? I casual glance about the
> source tree doesn't reveal anything up-to-date that includes everything
> you need to do (in particular, what the expected method of slurping in
> the libraries is).
There's some stuff at the bottom of the download page, though looking
at it again, it could be improved. Basically
cd hugs98/src/unix
./configure --with-fptools=<directory containing libraries and hslibs>
cd ..
make install
If the hugs98 directory contains fptools (or a link to it) you can omit
the argument to configure. The conversion doesn't change anything under
the fptools directory, but it can be confused by some of the products of
a GHC build (namely outputs of happy or hsc2hs), if they're lying about.
You need the OpenGL development stuff installed for the OpenGL/GLUT
packages to build (but it doesn't harm anything else if they don't).
> This used to be nicely automated via the Makefile at the top-level -
> has this been kept up-to-date? The last time I tried to use it, it
> failed, but the problem appeared to be MacOS-specific, so I don't know
> if it would go through on a regular linux box or not.
I don't use it myself, but Sven has, and I think it's up to date.