cvs commit: hugs98/lib/exts ForeignPtr.hs MarshalAlloc.hs
hugs98/src HsFFI.h builtin.c
Ross Paterson
Wed, 18 Sep 2002 19:08:17 +0100
On Wed, Sep 18, 2002 at 09:09:22AM -0700, Alastair Reid wrote:
> To bring Hugs into line with FFI RC7, I added:
> void hs_perform_gc(void);
> mallocForeignPtr
> mallocForeignPtrBytes
> To add the last two, I had to get hold of &free from somewhere. I
> decided that MarshalAlloc was the best choice but this isn't in the
> ffi spec - I'll mail the ffi folk about it.
How about making it private in ForeignPtr? This change breaks the new
library setup, because it gets MarshalAlloc from fptools but ForeignPtr
from you. The alternative would be to duplicate ForeignPtr, but that
would be a waste.