cvs commit: hugs98/libraries/Hugs Int.hs Prelude.hs Word.hs

Sigbjorn Finne
Sun, 15 Sep 2002 09:51:42 -0700

sof         2002/09/15 09:51:42 PDT

  Modified files:
    libraries/Hugs       Int.hs Prelude.hs Word.hs 
  Integral: do the Haskell 98 thing and move 'even' and 'odd'
  methods out of the class.
  (Note: we cannot remove the underlying primops, as the
  'old' Hugs Prelude still uses them.)
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.6       +0 -3      hugs98/libraries/Hugs/Int.hs
  1.4       +5 -8      hugs98/libraries/Hugs/Prelude.hs
  1.9       +0 -3      hugs98/libraries/Hugs/Word.hs