Simon Marlow
Wed, 11 Sep 2002 11:07:19 +0100
Hugs folk,
I thought I'd run the latest Hugs against some of the GHC tests, in
particular to test the module system since it's received some attention
recently. I've found a few bugs... all these test cases can be found
under fptools/testsuite/rename.
1. Hiding constructors doesn't work properly. See rename/prog002, which
should fail to compile.
2. Pattern bindings which bind no variables are erroneously disallowed
3. some problem with qualified imports (rename/should_compile/rn026 and
4. defining a variable which clashes with an import is ok as long as the
variable is never referred to. Hugs disallows it.
5. some problem with empty declaration lists
6. infix declarations are legal inside a class declaration
7. precedence parsing with unary negation is wrong.
8. it appears that extra qualified names are being brough into scope
(rename/should_fail/rnfail030.hs and rnfail031.hs).
9. hiding doesn't work with qualified imports
(rename/should_fail/rnfail032.hs and rnfail033.hs).
10. naming a constructor in an export list is illegal.
We really ought to think about merging our test suites at some point;
the stuff in fptools/testsuite is supposed to be largely
compiler-independednt, but it will need some work to make it go through
with Hugs.