cvs commit: hugs98/libraries Prelude.hs
Sigbjorn Finne
Sun, 8 Sep 2002 05:50:26 -0700
"Ross Paterson" <> writes:
> Having multiple modules under the Prelude makes it possible to share
> more with the hierarchical libraries. I was using the Prelude out of
> fptools/libraries/base, so at startup Hugs loads
> {Hugs}/libraries/Hugs/Base.hs
...dozen modules deleted..
> {Hugs}/libraries/Prelude.hs
> That also makes it possible to cut about 100 lines from Hugs.Base, and
> remove some #ifndef __HUGS__ stuff from fptools/libraries.
..forcing all users to pay for this very slight internal improvement by way
of increased startup times each time Hugs is loaded. Didn't/doesn't look
like a Win to me.