cvs commit: hugs98/src static.c machine.c
Sigbjorn Finne
Thu, 10 Oct 2002 07:57:25 -0700
sof 2002/10/10 07:57:25 PDT
Modified files:
src static.c machine.c
Tidy up how the interpreter binds the Trex-specific names
that are needed during code generation. This is done along
the lines of how mdo-related names are handled.
One upshot of this change is that the lifetime of a module's
effective import lists is extended until the user causes
a switch to a different one. This is in general a change
for the better, and it avoids confusing a user that imports
'Trex' qualified & then tries to use records from the
read-eval-print loop.
Revision Changes Path
1.107 +79 -5 hugs98/src/static.c
1.10 +4 -26 hugs98/src/machine.c