Johan Nordlander
Wed, 20 Nov 2002 00:23:22 +0100
I'd be tempted to add
libexts ConcBase
libexts Storable
libexts Exception
libexts IORef
libexts IOExts
libexts LazyST
libexts Int
libexts Word
to src/unix/convert_libraries, but I'm not quite sure I know what I'm
doing so I'll yell instead.
Could the person responsible for setting up the library conversion
scripts (Alastair?) please do a clean checkout of all the necessary
sources, in order to verify that the scripts are in order? I've just
checked out hugs98, fptools/hslibs and fptools/libraries afresh, and it
seems like several modules with the Hugs prefix fail to materialize
during `make'. But it could be that I've gotten totally lost in the
maze here...
-- Johan