cvs commit: hugs98/src storage.c storage.h hugs.c
Sigbjorn Finne
Tue, 14 May 2002 09:13:00 -0700
sof 2002/05/14 09:13:00 PDT
Modified files:
src storage.c storage.h hugs.c
Fix UI niggle - when loading the module
module Foo where { import BrassMoney; }
Hugs will complain if a file corresponding to BrassMoney isn't
in scope. So, the user spots the obvious typo in the Foo module,
changing it to
module Foo where { import BrassMonkey; }
However, doing a :reload still caused BrassMoney to be searched for,
with equally miserable results. The only way to purge the bogus
module from the stack is to do a :load.
This commit fixes this, giving :reload the desired behaviour.
Revision Changes Path
1.38 +26 -3 hugs98/src/storage.c
1.35 +3 -2 hugs98/src/storage.h
1.78 +33 -5 hugs98/src/hugs.c