cvs commit: hugs98/libraries/Hugs Array.hs ConcBase.hs IO.hs IOExts.hs IORef.hs Int.hs LazyST.hs ST.hs Stable.hs StablePtr.hs System.hs Weak.hs Word.hs
Tue, 16 Jul 2002 09:05:36 -0700

ross        2002/07/16 09:05:36 PDT

  Added files:
    libraries/Hugs       Array.hs ConcBase.hs IO.hs IOExts.hs 
                         IORef.hs Int.hs LazyST.hs ST.hs Stable.hs 
                         StablePtr.hs System.hs Weak.hs Word.hs 
  Minor variants of some Hugs modules for use with hierarchical libraries:
  * longer module names
  * IO: deleted hRead, hPutStrLn and hPrint (all defined in System.IO)
  * ST & LazyST:
  	- sound type for stToIO, exported RealWorld (like GHC)
  	- renamed unsafeIOtoST as unsafeIOToST
  	- added modifySTRef