working towards a new release
Sigbjorn Finne
Mon, 12 Aug 2002 09:46:06 -0700
"Alastair Reid" <> writes:
> > So, if people could give me / the CVS list an indication of what
> > remains to be done on the parts they're working on, that'd be
> > helpful.
> I thought I'd finished everything and could get the HGL stuff up and
> going with the new ffi when...
> 1) I tried using ffihugs on Linux:
> Yoiks: you have to put double quotes round the +L argument:
> ffihugs +G +L"\"foo bar\"" Baz
> The reason is that server.c tries to split each option argument
> into a list of option arguments.
> How can I work around this? (I'm tempted to fix server.c to _not_
> do this - but it's clear that someone once thought it was a good
> idea to make it work this way so I'd probably break something else
> in the process.)
The shell strips away unescaped double/single quotes, so this shouldn't
come as much of a surprise (and isn't really a Hugs issue, per se.)
If you don't want to support multiple -L options on a single command
line, I don't really see a way out beside adding an escaped set of quotes.
input.c:readFilename() does elide double quotes though -- a version
that don't could easily be provided, but it won't really fix your problem.
> 2) I tried using ffihugs on Win32 but...
> Hugs can't detect if the invocation of CC fails because (IIRC)
> Win32's 'system' call always returns success.
> How can we fix this? Is there something else we can use instead?
Works fine here (i.e., compilation failures are reported as errors.)