cvs commit: hugs98/src connect.h input.c machdep.c
Wed, 19 Sep 2001 12:14:07 -0700
nordland 2001/09/19 12:14:07 PDT
Modified files:
src connect.h input.c machdep.c
Reimplemented the file search algorithm according to the following principle.
I assume that the file found will be the first readable filename in the list
produced by "find".
find along nm hugspath = [ d++f++e | f <- files, d <- dirs, e <- exts ]
(pref,name) = rspan (/=slash) nm
dirs = if null pref then along : hugspath ++ [""] else [pref]
files = if isQModId name then [mod2dir name, name] else [name]
exts = ["",".hs",".lhs"]
rspan p s = let (a,b) = span p (reverse s) in (reverse b, reverse a)
mod2dir s = map (\c -> if c=='.' then slash else c) s
isQModId s = -- is s a valid qualified module identifier?
The SEARCH_DIR option is still compatible with this principle, although it
is turned off by default.
Revision Changes Path
1.23 +3 -2 hugs98/src/connect.h
1.28 +18 -2 hugs98/src/input.c
1.27 +90 -48 hugs98/src/machdep.c