Interleaving per-component hooks with build

ÉRDI Gergő gergo at
Mon Mar 15 11:25:32 UTC 2021

Let's put this in more concrete terms. Here is a simple model of my 

Here, I hope to run `justBeforeBuilding` for each `Component` just before 
building them (the actual building is to be done by `buildHook 
simpleUserHooks`). I print the package DBs, and their contents, in 
`justBeforeBuilding`. With a simple package that contains a library and an 
exe that depends on the library, the output is the following:

!!! Processing component CLibName LMainLibName
!!! At this point, the package DB paths are:
Preprocessing library for cabal-component-hook-0.1.0..
Building library for cabal-component-hook-0.1.0..
!!! Processing component CExeName (UnqualComponentName "bar")
!!! At this point, the package DB paths are:
Preprocessing library for cabal-component-hook-0.1.0..
Building library for cabal-component-hook-0.1.0..
Preprocessing executable 'bar' for cabal-component-hook-0.1.0..
Building executable 'bar' for cabal-component-hook-0.1.0..

After the whole process finishes, I do see my library's file in the 
package DB:

├── cabal-component-hook-0.1.0-8kPvy0LMfqKAbvXmH5zWaP.conf
├── package.cache
└── package.cache.lock

So my problem is that the package DB returned by `absolutePackageDBPaths $ 
withPackageDB localInfo` doesn't contain the just-build library, even 
though (supposedly) the library has already been built by that point. And 
then there is this mysterious second occurrence of "Preprocessing library 
for cabal-component-hook-0.1.0..Building library for cabal-component-hook-0.1.0.." 
while building (supposedly) just the exe.

What's going on here? How can I arrange for `justBeforeBuilding` to have 
access to dependency libraries?


On Sun, 14 Mar 2021, ÉRDI Gergő wrote:

> Hi,
> I've made some progress on this, but I still have some questions. My new idea 
> is to use withAllComponentsInBuildOrder to do the preprocessing before 
> handing it over to buildHook simpleUserHooks. So then the next missing piece 
> of the puzzle is how to arrange for buildHook simpleUserHooks to only build a 
> single component:
> ```
> myBuildHook pkg localInfo userHooks buildFlags = do
>    withAllComponentsInBuildOrder pkg localInfo $ \c clbi -> do
>        localInfo <- return $ restrictLocalInfo c clbi localInfo
>        buildFlags <- return $ restrictBuildFlags c buildFlags
>        bi <- preprocessBuildInfo localInfo buildFlags c
>        pkg <- return $ updateBuildInfo c bi pkg
>        buildHook simpleUserHooks pkg localInfo userHooks buildFlags
> ```
> All the magic is supposed to happen in `restrictLocalInfo` and 
> `restrictBuildFlags` to restrict the `LocalInfo` and the `BuildFlags` so that 
> `buildHook simpleUserHooks` will only build the single given component.
> My first idea was to edit the `componentEnableSpec` / `componentGraph` / 
> `componentNameMap` to be singleton lists:
> ```
> restrictLocalInfo :: Component -> ComponentLocalBuildInfo -> LocalBuildInfo 
> -> LocalBuildInfo
> restrictLocalInfo c clbi localInfo = localInfo
>    { componentEnabledSpec = OneComponentRequestedSpec $ componentName c
>    , componentGraph = G.insert clbi G.empty
>    , componentNameMap = M.singleton (componentName c) [clbi]
>    }
> ```
> If I try this, building fails if some components are explicitly requested:
> setup: Cannot process the executable 'compucolor2-cpu-screen' because this
> package was configured only to build lib. Re-run configure with the argument
> executable 'compucolor2-cpu-screen'
> So next idea was to also delete the `buildArgs`:
> ```
> restrictBuildFlags :: Component -> BuildFlags -> BuildFlags
> restrictBuildFlags c buildFlags = buildFlags
>    { buildArgs = []
>    }
> ```
> This gets us over building the lib, but now the exes fail:
> Preprocessing executable 'compucolor2-cpu-textscreen' for compucolor2-0.1.0..
> Building executable 'compucolor2-cpu-textscreen' for compucolor2-0.1.0..
> <command line>: cannot satisfy -package-id 
> compucolor2-0.1.0-1E5h9nTsLCR9N8r4sKLlg5
>    (use -v for more information)
> My other idea is to NOT change the LocalInfo, and instead only edit 
> `buildArgs` to contain only the current component. I haven't managed to get 
> this quite right either:
> * If I only put the current component's name (via `prettyShow . 
> componentName`)
> in the `buildArgs` list, then that fails for libraries: `prettyShow . 
> componentName` for the library component is `"lib"`, but it seems that Cabal 
> actually expects `"lib:packagename"` as the argument.
> * If I hack it by hardcoding the addition of `"lib:mylibname"` to the 
> `buildArgs`, then the library is built and re-built and re-built for each 
> component again and again. Of course, these "builds" finish quickly because 
> nothing has changed, but it's still a nuisance.
> * The whole point of this exercise is to have access to already built 
> libraries when preprocessing executables. But it seems that that is not as 
> simple as adding `absolutePackaBgeDBPaths $ withPackageDB localInfo` to the 
> package DB path when building, since that directory doesn't have a pkgconf 
> file for the just-built library. So how do I use just-built dependency 
> libraries?
> Thanks,
> 	Gergo
> On Wed, 3 Mar 2021, ÉRDI Gergő wrote:
>> I am looking for a way to do custom preprocessing for each component (of 
>> type `UnitId -> IO ()`) but this preprocessing depends on the dependencies 
>> of the component being already built. So imagine a Cabal file which defines 
>> a library and an exe, with the exe depending on the library. Then, I would 
>> need the following sequence of events to happen during `buildHook`:
>> 1. myPreprocessing unitIdOfLibrary
>> 2. standard build of library
>> 3. myPreprocessing unitIdOfExe
>> 4. standard build of exe
>> How can I achieve that without copy-pasting large parts of the internals of 
>> `buildHook simpleUserHooks`?


   .--= ULLA! =-----------------.
    \   \
     `---= gergo at =-------'
Marijuana... because your friends just aren't that funny

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