patch applied (hackage-server): "Pave the way for supporting StateComponents that don't use AcidState" and 2 others

devnull at devnull at
Thu Jul 18 14:41:52 CEST 2013

Tue Jul  2 16:13:24 BST 2013  edsko at
  * Pave the way for supporting StateComponents that don't use AcidState
  Ignore-this: 20511c3152c4f37cf73e13bdb1e83a70

    M ./Distribution/Server/Features/BuildReports.hs -4 +4
    M ./Distribution/Server/Features/Core.hs -4 +4
    M ./Distribution/Server/Features/Distro.hs -4 +4
    M ./Distribution/Server/Features/Documentation.hs -4 +4
    M ./Distribution/Server/Features/DownloadCount.hs -5 +5
    M ./Distribution/Server/Features/HaskellPlatform.hs -4 +4
    M ./Distribution/Server/Features/LegacyPasswds.hs -5 +5
    M ./Distribution/Server/Features/Mirror.hs -4 +4
    M ./Distribution/Server/Features/PackageCandidates.hs -4 +4
    M ./Distribution/Server/Features/PreferredVersions.hs -4 +4
    M ./Distribution/Server/Features/Tags.hs -4 +4
    M ./Distribution/Server/Features/TarIndexCache.hs -4 +4
    M ./Distribution/Server/Features/Upload.hs -12 +12
    M ./Distribution/Server/Features/UserDetails.hs -4 +4
    M ./Distribution/Server/Features/UserSignup.hs -6 +6
    M ./Distribution/Server/Features/Users.hs -8 +8
    M ./Distribution/Server/Framework/Feature.hs -17 +47

Wed Jul 17 11:42:32 BST 2013  edsko at
  * Reduce memory footprint of DownloadCounts (3/n)
  Ignore-this: 79c876ec2ef226e6899c982ccbbc8485

    M ./Distribution/Server/Features/DownloadCount.hs -49 +82
    M ./Distribution/Server/Features/DownloadCount/Backup.hs -42 +164
    M ./Distribution/Server/Features/DownloadCount/State.hs -61 +175
    M ./Distribution/Server/Features/Html.hs -5 +6
    M ./Distribution/Server/Features/PackageList.hs -4 +5
    M ./Distribution/Server/Framework/Feature.hs -19 +10
    A ./Distribution/Server/Util/CountingMap.hs
    M ./hackage-server.cabal +1

Thu Jul 18 13:39:59 BST 2013  edsko at
  * Reduce memory footprint of DownloadCount (4/n)
  Ignore-this: ca3cd525af4cb84261a249183a098b39
  This completes most of the features (as well as some code cleanup). Just
  bugfixing now.

    M ./Distribution/Server/Features/DownloadCount.hs -10 +20
    M ./Distribution/Server/Features/DownloadCount/Backup.hs -124 +5
    M ./Distribution/Server/Features/DownloadCount/State.hs -158 +20
    M ./Distribution/Server/Framework/Instances.hs -4 +10
    M ./Distribution/Server/Util/CountingMap.hs -64 +8

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