cabal-install version on hackage

Levent Erkok erkokl at
Thu Dec 22 07:09:41 CET 2011

>> Is there a known workaround to this problem, short of dropping the
>> "self" dependency in the cabal file?  Would it be too much to ask if
>> hackage can upgrade it's cabal? Would that break further things?
> Using a development version of cabal-install would run the risk of
> breaking other packages.  A release that contains this fix would be
> better.

Agreed. I couldn't find anything specific about the release plans on
the cabal web site (, so I've filed a
ticket ( to have
discussion on whether it's time for a new release. End of the year is
a busy time for everyone,  but a new cabal-install release will be a
nice new-year gift to the community if the lead developers can squeeze
it in.


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