New test-suite functionality
Antoine Latter
aslatter at
Fri Nov 26 00:07:23 EST 2010
Hi Cabal,
Is there documentation for the new test-suite functionality? I tried
adding the following stanza to my package description:
test-suite basic
default-language: Haskell2010
type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
main-is: Basic.hs
hs-source-dirs: tests
Running 'cabal test' only yields :
Running 0 test suites...
0 of 0 test suites (0 of 0 test cases) passed.
Am I doing something wrong? It would be nice if I got an error
message. It doesn't seem to matter at all what I fill in to the stanza
for the main-is and hs-source-dirs fields.
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