patch applied (cabal): Pass the exe/lib to the per-compiler installLib/Exe functions

Duncan Coutts duncan.coutts at
Tue Apr 20 19:00:15 EDT 2010

Tue Apr 20 15:36:52 PDT 2010  Duncan Coutts <duncan at>
  * Pass the exe/lib to the per-compiler installLib/Exe functions
  So the generic code iterates over the libs/exes rather than
  the per-compiler code doing that. It'll help when we have
  more complex inter-component dependencies.
  This is also the proper fix for ticket #525.

    M ./Distribution/Simple/GHC.hs -43 +41
    M ./Distribution/Simple/Install.hs -7 +9
    M ./Distribution/Simple/LHC.hs -41 +39
    M ./Distribution/Simple/UHC.hs -6 +2

View patch online:;a=darcs_commitdiff;h=20100420223652-adfee-d0aa745d53d4adc59c10bf8ef62c4c1ec252aa8c.gz

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