Cabal-install and GHC

Duncan Coutts duncan.coutts at
Thu Oct 22 08:53:18 EDT 2009

On Thu, 2009-10-22 at 12:17 +0000, Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:

> So in effect, we do still have a dependency on cabal-install.  As a
> result, the GHC 6.12 release is stalled, awaiting a working
> cabal-install.  We could go ahead and release, but we want people to
> test the release, and they are unlikely to do so without
> cabal-install. So there doesn't seem much point. So:
> 	Could you [I'm afraid this means you, Duncan] give us a *date* for 
>       the new cabal-install, so that we can in turn tell our users 
>       what to expect?

I can provide an experimental patch for people to try out.

Attached is cabal-1.8-conversion.dpatch. It's only very lightly tested.
To use it people will need the cabal-install HEAD branch, and to use
darcs apply.

Then a release date depends on how well this patch works.

-------------- next part --------------
Sun Oct 18 18:32:33 BST 2009  Duncan Coutts <duncan at>
  * Update for changes to finalizePackageDescription

Thu Oct 22 13:39:46 BST 2009  Duncan Coutts <duncan at>
  * Initial go at converting to the new Cabal-1.8 installed package system
  It works by ignoring the possibility that there could be multiple
  installed packages sharing the same source package Id. We just pick
  the "top most" one which is usually ok. We make no attempt to check
  that we are using consistent installed packages.

New patches:

[Update for changes to finalizePackageDescription
Duncan Coutts <duncan at>**20091018173233
 Ignore-this: f60d2b66f9f0e223599ab15ac78d112c
] {
hunk ./Distribution/Client/Configure.hs 67
 import Distribution.Simple.Utils as Utils
          ( notice, info, die )
 import Distribution.System
-         ( Platform(Platform), buildPlatform )
+         ( Platform, buildPlatform )
 import Distribution.Verbosity as Verbosity
          ( Verbosity )
hunk ./Distribution/Client/Configure.hs 194
                  -> ConfiguredPackage
                  -> [String]
                  -> IO ()
-configurePackage verbosity (Platform arch os) comp scriptOptions configFlags
+configurePackage verbosity platform comp scriptOptions configFlags
   (ConfiguredPackage (AvailablePackage _ gpkg _) flags deps) extraArgs =
   setupWrapper verbosity
hunk ./Distribution/Client/Configure.hs 208
     pkg = case finalizePackageDescription flags
-           (Nothing :: Maybe (PackageIndex PackageDescription))
-           os arch comp [] gpkg of
+           (const True)
+           platform comp [] gpkg of
       Left _ -> error "finalizePackageDescription ConfiguredPackage failed"
       Right (desc, _) -> desc
hunk ./Distribution/Client/Dependency/Bogus.hs 40
          ( comparing )
 import Distribution.Text
          ( display )
-import Distribution.System
-         ( Platform(Platform) )
 import Data.List
          ( maximumBy )
hunk ./Distribution/Client/Dependency/Bogus.hs 53
 -- We just pretend that everything is installed and hope for the best.
 bogusResolver :: DependencyResolver
-bogusResolver (Platform arch os) comp _ available
+bogusResolver platform comp _ available
               preferences constraints targets =
     resolveFromAvailable []
       (combineConstraints preferences constraints targets)
hunk ./Distribution/Client/Dependency/Bogus.hs 63
       case latestAvailableSatisfying available name verConstraint verPref of
         Nothing  -> Fail ("Unresolved dependency: " ++ display dep)
         Just apkg@(AvailablePackage _ pkg _) ->
-          case finalizePackageDescription flags none os arch comp [] pkg of
+          case finalizePackageDescription flags none platform comp [] pkg of
             Right (_, flags') -> Step msg (resolveFromAvailable chosen' deps)
                 msg     = "selecting " ++ display (packageId pkg)
hunk ./Distribution/Client/Dependency/Bogus.hs 71
                 chosen' = InstallPlan.Configured cpkg : chosen
             _ -> error "bogusResolver: impossible happened"
-            none :: Maybe (PackageIndex PackageIdentifier)
-            none = Nothing
+            none :: Dependency -> Bool
+            none = const True
         dep = Dependency name verConstraint
hunk ./Distribution/Client/Dependency/TopDown.hs 49
 import Distribution.Compiler
          ( CompilerId )
 import Distribution.System
-         ( Platform(Platform) )
+         ( Platform )
 import Distribution.Simple.Utils
          ( equating, comparing )
 import Distribution.Text
hunk ./Distribution/Client/Dependency/TopDown.hs 294
       Fail (TopLevelInstallConstraintConflict pkg conflicts)
 configurePackage :: Platform -> CompilerId -> ConfigurePackage
-configurePackage (Platform arch os) comp available spkg = case spkg of
+configurePackage platform comp available spkg = case spkg of
   InstalledOnly         ipkg      -> Right (InstalledOnly ipkg)
   AvailableOnly              apkg -> fmap AvailableOnly (configure apkg)
   InstalledAndAvailable ipkg apkg -> fmap (InstalledAndAvailable ipkg)
hunk ./Distribution/Client/Dependency/TopDown.hs 301
                                           (configure apkg)
   configure (UnconfiguredPackage apkg@(AvailablePackage _ p _) _ flags) =
-    case finalizePackageDescription flags (Just available) os arch comp [] p of
+    case finalizePackageDescription flags dependencySatisfiable
+                                    platform comp [] p of
       Left missing        -> Left missing
       Right (pkg, flags') -> Right $
         SemiConfiguredPackage apkg flags' (buildDepends pkg)
hunk ./Distribution/Client/Dependency/TopDown.hs 307
+  dependencySatisfiable = not . null . PackageIndex.lookupDependency available
 -- | Annotate each installed packages with its set of transative dependencies
 -- and its topological sort number.
hunk ./Distribution/Client/Install.hs 113
 import Distribution.Client.Utils
          ( inDir, mergeBy, MergeResult(..), withTempDirectory )
 import Distribution.System
-         ( Platform(Platform), buildPlatform, OS(Windows), buildOS )
+         ( Platform, buildPlatform, OS(Windows), buildOS )
 import Distribution.Text
          ( display )
 import Distribution.Verbosity as Verbosity
hunk ./Distribution/Client/Install.hs 587
                          -> (ConfigFlags -> AvailablePackageSource
                                          -> PackageDescription -> a)
                          -> a
-installConfiguredPackage (Platform arch os) comp configFlags
+installConfiguredPackage platform comp configFlags
   (ConfiguredPackage (AvailablePackage _ gpkg source) flags deps)
   installPkg = installPkg configFlags {
     configConfigurationsFlags = flags,
hunk ./Distribution/Client/Install.hs 595
   } source pkg
     pkg = case finalizePackageDescription flags
-           (Nothing :: Maybe (PackageIndex PackageDescription))
-           os arch comp [] gpkg of
+           (const True)
+           platform comp [] gpkg of
       Left _ -> error "finalizePackageDescription ConfiguredPackage failed"
       Right (desc, _) -> desc
hunk ./Distribution/Client/InstallPlan.hs 68
 import Distribution.Text
          ( display )
 import Distribution.System
-         ( Platform(Platform) )
+         ( Platform )
 import Distribution.Compiler
          ( CompilerId(..) )
 import Distribution.Client.Utils
hunk ./Distribution/Client/InstallPlan.hs 458
 configuredPackageProblems :: Platform -> CompilerId
                           -> ConfiguredPackage -> [PackageProblem]
-configuredPackageProblems (Platform arch os) comp
+configuredPackageProblems platform comp
   (ConfiguredPackage pkg specifiedFlags specifiedDeps) =
      [ DuplicateFlag flag | ((flag,_):_) <- duplicates specifiedFlags ]
   ++ [ MissingFlag flag | OnlyInLeft  flag <- mergedFlags ]
hunk ./Distribution/Client/InstallPlan.hs 490
     requiredDeps =
       --TODO: use something lower level than finalizePackageDescription
       case finalizePackageDescription specifiedFlags
-         (Nothing :: Maybe (PackageIndex PackageIdentifier)) os arch comp []
+         (const True)
+         platform comp
+         []
          (packageDescription pkg) of
         Right (resolvedPkg, _) -> buildDepends resolvedPkg
         Left  _ -> error "configuredPackageInvalidDeps internal error"
hunk ./Distribution/Client/InstallSymlink.hs 61
 import Distribution.Simple.Setup
          ( ConfigFlags(..), fromFlag, fromFlagOrDefault, flagToMaybe )
 import qualified Distribution.Simple.InstallDirs as InstallDirs
-import Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex (PackageIndex)
-import Distribution.System
-         ( Platform(Platform) )
 import System.Posix.Files
          ( getSymbolicLinkStatus, isSymbolicLink, createSymbolicLink
hunk ./Distribution/Client/InstallSymlink.hs 135
     pkgDescription :: ConfiguredPackage -> PackageDescription
     pkgDescription (ConfiguredPackage (AvailablePackage _ pkg _) flags _) =
       case finalizePackageDescription flags
-             (Nothing :: Maybe (PackageIndex PackageDescription))
-             os arch compilerId [] pkg of
+             (const True)
+             platform compilerId [] pkg of
         Left _ -> error "finalizePackageDescription ConfiguredPackage failed"
         Right (desc, _) -> desc
hunk ./Distribution/Client/InstallSymlink.hs 162
     fromFlagTemplate = fromFlagOrDefault (InstallDirs.toPathTemplate "")
     prefixTemplate   = fromFlagTemplate (configProgPrefix configFlags)
     suffixTemplate   = fromFlagTemplate (configProgSuffix configFlags)
-    (Platform arch os) = InstallPlan.planPlatform plan
+    platform         = InstallPlan.planPlatform plan
     compilerId@(CompilerId compilerFlavor _) = InstallPlan.planCompiler plan
 symlinkBinary :: FilePath -- ^ The canonical path of the public bin dir
[Initial go at converting to the new Cabal-1.8 installed package system
Duncan Coutts <duncan at>**20091022123946
 Ignore-this: 5e6665609e707de9dc73612b0efd25e9
 It works by ignoring the possibility that there could be multiple
 installed packages sharing the same source package Id. We just pick
 the "top most" one which is usually ok. We make no attempt to check
 that we are using consistent installed packages.
] {
hunk ./Distribution/Client/Configure.hs 30
 import qualified Distribution.Client.InstallPlan as InstallPlan
 import Distribution.Client.InstallPlan (InstallPlan)
 import Distribution.Client.IndexUtils as IndexUtils
-         ( getAvailablePackages )
+         ( getAvailablePackages, getInstalledPackages )
 import Distribution.Client.Setup
          ( ConfigExFlags(..), configureCommand, filterConfigureFlags )
 import Distribution.Client.Types as Available
hunk ./Distribution/Client/Configure.hs 35
          ( AvailablePackage(..), AvailablePackageSource(..), Repo(..)
-         , AvailablePackageDb(..), ConfiguredPackage(..) )
+         , AvailablePackageDb(..), ConfiguredPackage(..), InstalledPackage )
 import Distribution.Client.SetupWrapper
          ( setupWrapper, SetupScriptOptions(..), defaultSetupScriptOptions )
hunk ./Distribution/Client/Configure.hs 43
          ( CompilerId(..), Compiler(compilerId)
          , PackageDB(..), PackageDBStack )
 import Distribution.Simple.Program (ProgramConfiguration )
-import Distribution.Simple.Configure (getInstalledPackages)
 import Distribution.Simple.Setup
          ( ConfigFlags(..), toFlag, flagToMaybe, fromFlagOrDefault )
hunk ./Distribution/Client/Configure.hs 45
-import qualified Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex as PackageIndex
-import Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex (PackageIndex)
+import qualified Distribution.Client.PackageIndex as PackageIndex
+import Distribution.Client.PackageIndex (PackageIndex)
 import Distribution.Simple.Utils
          ( defaultPackageDesc )
 import Distribution.Package
hunk ./Distribution/Client/Configure.hs 52
          ( PackageName, packageName, packageVersion
          , Package(..), Dependency(..), thisPackageVersion )
-import qualified Distribution.PackageDescription as PackageDescription
-import Distribution.PackageDescription
-         ( PackageDescription )
 import Distribution.PackageDescription.Parse
          ( readPackageDescription )
 import Distribution.PackageDescription.Configuration
hunk ./Distribution/Client/Configure.hs 56
          ( finalizePackageDescription )
-import Distribution.InstalledPackageInfo
-         ( InstalledPackageInfo )
 import Distribution.Version
          ( VersionRange, anyVersion, thisVersion )
 import Distribution.Simple.Utils as Utils
hunk ./Distribution/Client/Configure.hs 131
 planLocalPackage :: Verbosity -> Compiler
                  -> ConfigFlags -> ConfigExFlags
-                 -> Maybe (PackageIndex InstalledPackageInfo)
+                 -> Maybe (PackageIndex InstalledPackage)
                  -> AvailablePackageDb
                  -> IO (Progress String String InstallPlan)
 planLocalPackage verbosity comp configFlags configExFlags installed
hunk ./Distribution/Client/Dependency.hs 32
 import Distribution.Client.Dependency.Bogus (bogusResolver)
 import Distribution.Client.Dependency.TopDown (topDownResolver)
-import qualified Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex as PackageIndex
-import Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex (PackageIndex)
-import Distribution.InstalledPackageInfo (InstalledPackageInfo)
+import qualified Distribution.Client.PackageIndex as PackageIndex
+import Distribution.Client.PackageIndex (PackageIndex)
 import qualified Distribution.Client.InstallPlan as InstallPlan
 import Distribution.Client.InstallPlan (InstallPlan)
 import Distribution.Client.Types
hunk ./Distribution/Client/Dependency.hs 37
-         ( UnresolvedDependency(..), AvailablePackage(..) )
+         ( UnresolvedDependency(..), AvailablePackage(..), InstalledPackage )
 import Distribution.Client.Dependency.Types
          ( DependencyResolver, PackageConstraint(..)
          , PackagePreferences(..), InstalledPreference(..)
hunk ./Distribution/Client/Dependency.hs 46
          ( PackageIdentifier(..), PackageName(..), packageVersion, packageName
          , Dependency(..), Package(..), PackageFixedDeps(..) )
 import Distribution.Version
-         ( VersionRange(AnyVersion), orLaterVersion, isAnyVersion )
+         ( VersionRange, anyVersion, orLaterVersion, isAnyVersion )
 import Distribution.Compiler
          ( CompilerId(..) )
 import Distribution.System
hunk ./Distribution/Client/Dependency.hs 115
 resolveDependencies :: Platform
                     -> CompilerId
-                    -> Maybe (PackageIndex InstalledPackageInfo)
+                    -> Maybe (PackageIndex InstalledPackage)
                     -> PackageIndex AvailablePackage
                     -> PackagesPreference
                     -> [PackageConstraint]
hunk ./Distribution/Client/Dependency.hs 129
 resolveDependenciesWithProgress :: Platform
                                 -> CompilerId
-                                -> Maybe (PackageIndex InstalledPackageInfo)
+                                -> Maybe (PackageIndex InstalledPackage)
                                 -> PackageIndex AvailablePackage
                                 -> PackagesPreference
                                 -> [PackageConstraint]
hunk ./Distribution/Client/Dependency.hs 154
   :: DependencyResolver
   -> Platform -> CompilerId
-  -> PackageIndex InstalledPackageInfo
+  -> PackageIndex InstalledPackage
   -> PackageIndex AvailablePackage
   -> PackagesPreference
   -> [PackageConstraint]
hunk ./Distribution/Client/Dependency.hs 197
     versionPref pkgname =
-      fromMaybe AnyVersion (Map.lookup pkgname versionPrefs)
+      fromMaybe anyVersion (Map.lookup pkgname versionPrefs)
     versionPrefs = Map.fromList
       [ (pkgname, pref)
       | PackageVersionPreference pkgname pref <- prefs ]
hunk ./Distribution/Client/Dependency.hs 219
 -- | Given the list of installed packages and available packages, figure
 -- out which packages can be upgraded.
-upgradableDependencies :: PackageIndex InstalledPackageInfo
+upgradableDependencies :: PackageIndex InstalledPackage
                        -> PackageIndex AvailablePackage
                        -> [Dependency]
 upgradableDependencies installed available =
hunk ./Distribution/Client/Dependency/Bogus.hs 32
          ( GenericPackageDescription(..), CondTree(..), FlagAssignment )
 import Distribution.PackageDescription.Configuration
          ( finalizePackageDescription )
-import qualified Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex as PackageIndex
-import Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex (PackageIndex)
+import qualified Distribution.Client.PackageIndex as PackageIndex
+import Distribution.Client.PackageIndex (PackageIndex)
 import Distribution.Version
          ( VersionRange, anyVersion, intersectVersionRanges, withinRange )
 import Distribution.Simple.Utils
hunk ./Distribution/Client/Dependency/TopDown.hs 25
 import Distribution.Client.InstallPlan
          ( PlanPackage(..) )
 import Distribution.Client.Types
-         ( AvailablePackage(..), ConfiguredPackage(..) )
+         ( AvailablePackage(..), ConfiguredPackage(..), InstalledPackage(..) )
 import Distribution.Client.Dependency.Types
          ( DependencyResolver, PackageConstraint(..)
          , PackagePreferences(..), InstalledPreference(..)
hunk ./Distribution/Client/Dependency/TopDown.hs 31
          , Progress(..), foldProgress )
-import qualified Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex as PackageIndex
-import Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex (PackageIndex)
-import Distribution.InstalledPackageInfo
-         ( InstalledPackageInfo )
+import qualified Distribution.Client.PackageIndex as PackageIndex
+import Distribution.Client.PackageIndex (PackageIndex)
 import Distribution.Package
          ( PackageName(..), PackageIdentifier, Package(packageId), packageVersion, packageName
          , Dependency(Dependency), thisPackageVersion, notThisPackageVersion
hunk ./Distribution/Client/Dependency/TopDown.hs 74
 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
 type Constraints  = Constraints.Constraints
-                      InstalledPackage UnconfiguredPackage ExclusionReason
+                      InstalledPackageEx UnconfiguredPackage ExclusionReason
 type SelectedPackages = PackageIndex SelectedPackage
 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
hunk ./Distribution/Client/Dependency/TopDown.hs 106
         (_, node') = maximumBy (bestByPref pkgname) choice
     topSortNumber choice = case fst (head choice) of
-      InstalledOnly           (InstalledPackage    _ i _) -> i
+      InstalledOnly           (InstalledPackageEx  _ i _) -> i
       AvailableOnly           (UnconfiguredPackage _ i _) -> i
       InstalledAndAvailable _ (UnconfiguredPackage _ i _) -> i
hunk ./Distribution/Client/Dependency/TopDown.hs 187
     preferAvailable (InstalledOnly           pkg) = Left pkg
     preferAvailable (AvailableOnly           pkg) = Right pkg
     preferAvailable (InstalledAndAvailable _ pkg) = Right pkg
-    installedConstraints (InstalledPackage      _ _ deps) =
+    installedConstraints (InstalledPackageEx    _ _ deps) =
       [ TaggedDependency InstalledConstraint (thisPackageVersion dep)
       | dep <- deps ]
     availableConstraints (SemiConfiguredPackage _ _ deps) =
hunk ./Distribution/Client/Dependency/TopDown.hs 235
 -- | The native resolver with detailed structured logging and failure types.
 topDownResolver' :: Platform -> CompilerId
-                 -> PackageIndex InstalledPackageInfo
+                 -> PackageIndex InstalledPackage
                  -> PackageIndex AvailablePackage
                  -> (PackageName -> PackagePreferences)
                  -> [PackageConstraint]
hunk ./Distribution/Client/Dependency/TopDown.hs 249
     configure   = configurePackage platform comp
+    constraintSet :: Constraints
     constraintSet = Constraints.empty
       (annotateInstalledPackages             topSortNumber installed')
       (annotateAvailablePackages constraints topSortNumber available')
hunk ./Distribution/Client/Dependency/TopDown.hs 312
 -- and its topological sort number.
 annotateInstalledPackages :: (PackageName -> TopologicalSortNumber)
-                          -> PackageIndex InstalledPackageInfo
                           -> PackageIndex InstalledPackage
hunk ./Distribution/Client/Dependency/TopDown.hs 313
+                          -> PackageIndex InstalledPackageEx
 annotateInstalledPackages dfsNumber installed = PackageIndex.fromList
hunk ./Distribution/Client/Dependency/TopDown.hs 315
-  [ InstalledPackage pkg (dfsNumber (packageName pkg)) (transitiveDepends pkg)
+  [ InstalledPackageEx pkg (dfsNumber (packageName pkg)) (transitiveDepends pkg)
   | pkg <- PackageIndex.allPackages installed ]
hunk ./Distribution/Client/Dependency/TopDown.hs 318
-    transitiveDepends :: InstalledPackageInfo -> [PackageIdentifier]
+    transitiveDepends :: InstalledPackage -> [PackageIdentifier]
     transitiveDepends = map (packageId . toPkg) . tail . Graph.reachable graph
                       . fromJust . toVertex . packageId
     (graph, toPkg, toVertex) = PackageIndex.dependencyGraph installed
hunk ./Distribution/Client/Dependency/TopDown.hs 360
 -- edges and even cycles, but that doesn't really matter here, it's only a
 -- heuristic.
-topologicalSortNumbering :: PackageIndex InstalledPackageInfo
+topologicalSortNumbering :: PackageIndex InstalledPackage
                          -> PackageIndex AvailablePackage
                          -> (PackageName -> TopologicalSortNumber)
 topologicalSortNumbering installed available =
hunk ./Distribution/Client/Dependency/TopDown.hs 387
 -- each index that we could possibly ever need. Do this by flattening packages
 -- and looking at the names of all possible dependencies.
-selectNeededSubset :: PackageIndex InstalledPackageInfo
+selectNeededSubset :: PackageIndex InstalledPackage
                    -> PackageIndex AvailablePackage
                    -> Set PackageName
hunk ./Distribution/Client/Dependency/TopDown.hs 390
-                   -> (PackageIndex InstalledPackageInfo
+                   -> (PackageIndex InstalledPackage
                       ,PackageIndex AvailablePackage)
 selectNeededSubset installed available = select mempty mempty
hunk ./Distribution/Client/Dependency/TopDown.hs 394
-    select :: PackageIndex InstalledPackageInfo
+    select :: PackageIndex InstalledPackage
            -> PackageIndex AvailablePackage
            -> Set PackageName
hunk ./Distribution/Client/Dependency/TopDown.hs 397
-           -> (PackageIndex InstalledPackageInfo
+           -> (PackageIndex InstalledPackage
               ,PackageIndex AvailablePackage)
     select installed' available' remaining
       | Set.null remaining = (installed', available')
hunk ./Distribution/Client/Dependency/TopDown.hs 444
         Just (InstalledOnly _)           -> finaliseInstalled ipkg
         Just (InstalledAndAvailable _ _) -> finaliseAvailable (Just ipkg) apkg
-    finaliseInstalled (InstalledPackage pkg _ _) = InstallPlan.PreExisting pkg
+    finaliseInstalled (InstalledPackageEx pkg _ _) = InstallPlan.PreExisting pkg
     finaliseAvailable mipkg (SemiConfiguredPackage pkg flags deps) =
       InstallPlan.Configured (ConfiguredPackage pkg flags deps')
hunk ./Distribution/Client/Dependency/TopDown.hs 464
         -- Is the package already used by the installed version of this
         -- package? If so we should pick that first. This stops us from doing
         -- silly things like deciding to rebuild haskell98 against base 3.
-        isCurrent = case mipkg :: Maybe InstalledPackage of
+        isCurrent = case mipkg :: Maybe InstalledPackageEx of
           Nothing   -> \_ -> False
           Just ipkg -> \p -> packageId p `elem` depends ipkg
         -- If there is no upper bound on the version range then we apply a
hunk ./Distribution/Client/Dependency/TopDown.hs 496
 -- This may add additional constraints due to the dependencies of installed
 -- packages on other installed packages.
-improvePlan :: PackageIndex InstalledPackageInfo
+improvePlan :: PackageIndex InstalledPackage
             -> Constraints
             -> PackageIndex PlanPackage
             -> (PackageIndex PlanPackage, Constraints)
hunk ./Distribution/Client/Dependency/TopDown.hs 523
         _                    -> False
     tryInstalled :: PackageIndex PlanPackage -> Constraints
-                 -> [InstalledPackageInfo]
+                 -> [InstalledPackage]
                  -> Maybe (PackageIndex PlanPackage, Constraints)
     tryInstalled selected constraints [] = Just (selected, constraints)
     tryInstalled selected constraints (pkg:pkgs) =
hunk ./Distribution/Client/Dependency/TopDown/Constraints.hs 25
   ) where
 import Distribution.Client.Dependency.TopDown.Types
-import qualified Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex as PackageIndex
-import Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex (PackageIndex)
+import qualified Distribution.Client.PackageIndex as PackageIndex
+import Distribution.Client.PackageIndex (PackageIndex)
 import Distribution.Package
          ( PackageName, PackageIdentifier(..)
          , Package(packageId), packageName, packageVersion
hunk ./Distribution/Client/Dependency/TopDown/Types.hs 16
 module Distribution.Client.Dependency.TopDown.Types where
 import Distribution.Client.Types
-         ( AvailablePackage(..) )
+         ( AvailablePackage(..), InstalledPackage )
hunk ./Distribution/Client/Dependency/TopDown/Types.hs 18
-import Distribution.InstalledPackageInfo (InstalledPackageInfo)
 import Distribution.Package
          ( PackageIdentifier, Dependency
          , Package(packageId), PackageFixedDeps(depends) )
hunk ./Distribution/Client/Dependency/TopDown/Types.hs 29
 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
 type SelectablePackage
-   = InstalledOrAvailable InstalledPackage UnconfiguredPackage
+   = InstalledOrAvailable InstalledPackageEx UnconfiguredPackage
 type SelectedPackage
hunk ./Distribution/Client/Dependency/TopDown/Types.hs 32
-   = InstalledOrAvailable InstalledPackage SemiConfiguredPackage
+   = InstalledOrAvailable InstalledPackageEx SemiConfiguredPackage
 data InstalledOrAvailable installed available
    = InstalledOnly         installed
hunk ./Distribution/Client/Dependency/TopDown/Types.hs 41
 type TopologicalSortNumber = Int
-data InstalledPackage
-   = InstalledPackage
-       InstalledPackageInfo
+data InstalledPackageEx
+   = InstalledPackageEx
+       InstalledPackage
hunk ./Distribution/Client/Dependency/TopDown/Types.hs 45
-       [PackageIdentifier]
+       [PackageIdentifier]    -- transative closure of installed deps
 data UnconfiguredPackage
    = UnconfiguredPackage
hunk ./Distribution/Client/Dependency/TopDown/Types.hs 60
        [Dependency]      -- dependencies we end up with when we apply
                          -- the flag assignment
-instance Package InstalledPackage where
-  packageId (InstalledPackage p _ _) = packageId p
+instance Package InstalledPackageEx where
+  packageId (InstalledPackageEx p _ _) = packageId p
hunk ./Distribution/Client/Dependency/TopDown/Types.hs 63
-instance PackageFixedDeps InstalledPackage where
-  depends (InstalledPackage _ _ deps) = deps
+instance PackageFixedDeps InstalledPackageEx where
+  depends (InstalledPackageEx _ _ deps) = deps
 instance Package UnconfiguredPackage where
   packageId (UnconfiguredPackage p _ _) = packageId p
hunk ./Distribution/Client/Dependency/Types.hs 25
   ) where
 import Distribution.Client.Types
-         ( AvailablePackage(..) )
+         ( AvailablePackage(..), InstalledPackage )
 import qualified Distribution.Client.InstallPlan as InstallPlan
hunk ./Distribution/Client/Dependency/Types.hs 28
-import Distribution.InstalledPackageInfo
-         ( InstalledPackageInfo )
 import Distribution.PackageDescription
          ( FlagAssignment )
hunk ./Distribution/Client/Dependency/Types.hs 30
-import Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex
+import Distribution.Client.PackageIndex
          ( PackageIndex )
 import Distribution.Package
          ( PackageName )
hunk ./Distribution/Client/Dependency/Types.hs 53
 type DependencyResolver = Platform
                        -> CompilerId
-                       -> PackageIndex InstalledPackageInfo
+                       -> PackageIndex InstalledPackage
                        -> PackageIndex AvailablePackage
                        -> (PackageName -> PackagePreferences)
                        -> [PackageConstraint]
hunk ./Distribution/Client/Fetch.hs 36
 import Distribution.Client.Dependency.Types
          ( foldProgress )
 import Distribution.Client.IndexUtils as IndexUtils
-         ( getAvailablePackages, disambiguateDependencies )
+         ( getAvailablePackages, disambiguateDependencies
+         , getInstalledPackages )
 import qualified Distribution.Client.InstallPlan as InstallPlan
 import Distribution.Client.HttpUtils (getHTTP, isOldHackageURI)
 import Distribution.Client.Utils
hunk ./Distribution/Client/Fetch.hs 45
 import Distribution.Package
          ( PackageIdentifier, packageName, packageVersion, Dependency(..) )
-import qualified Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex as PackageIndex
+import qualified Distribution.Client.PackageIndex as PackageIndex
 import Distribution.Simple.Compiler
          ( Compiler(compilerId), PackageDBStack )
 import Distribution.Simple.Program
hunk ./Distribution/Client/Fetch.hs 50
          ( ProgramConfiguration )
-import Distribution.Simple.Configure
-         ( getInstalledPackages )
 import Distribution.Simple.Utils
          ( die, notice, info, debug, setupMessage
          , copyFileVerbose )
hunk ./Distribution/Client/Haddock.hs 31
 import Distribution.Version (Version(Version), orLaterVersion)
 import Distribution.Verbosity (Verbosity)
 import Distribution.Text (display)
-import Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex(PackageIndex, allPackages,
+import Distribution.Client.PackageIndex(PackageIndex, allPackages,
                                         allPackagesByName, fromList)
 import Distribution.Simple.Utils
          ( comparing, intercalate, debug
hunk ./Distribution/Client/Haddock.hs 37
          , installDirectoryContents, withTempDirectory )
 import Distribution.InstalledPackageInfo as InstalledPackageInfo 
-    (InstalledPackageInfo,InstalledPackageInfo_(haddockHTMLs, haddockInterfaces, exposed, package))
+         ( InstalledPackageInfo
+         , InstalledPackageInfo_(haddockHTMLs, haddockInterfaces, exposed) )
+import Distribution.Client.Types
+         ( InstalledPackage(..) )
hunk ./Distribution/Client/Haddock.hs 42
-regenerateHaddockIndex :: Verbosity -> PackageIndex InstalledPackageInfo -> ProgramConfiguration -> FilePath -> IO ()
+regenerateHaddockIndex :: Verbosity -> PackageIndex InstalledPackage -> ProgramConfiguration -> FilePath -> IO ()
 regenerateHaddockIndex verbosity pkgs conf index = do
       (paths,warns) <- haddockPackagePaths pkgs'
       case warns of
hunk ./Distribution/Client/Haddock.hs 69
             . allPackagesByName 
             . fromList
             . filter exposed
+            . map (\(InstalledPackage pkg _) -> pkg)
             . allPackages
             $ pkgs
hunk ./Distribution/Client/Haddock.hs 73
-haddockPackagePaths :: [InstalledPackageInfo_ m]
+haddockPackagePaths :: [InstalledPackageInfo]
                        -> IO ([(FilePath, FilePath)], Maybe [Char])
 haddockPackagePaths pkgs = do
   interfaces <- sequence
hunk ./Distribution/Client/Haddock.hs 84
             then return (pkgid, Just (interface, html))
             else return (pkgid, Nothing)
         Nothing -> return (pkgid, Nothing)
-    | pkg <- pkgs, let pkgid = InstalledPackageInfo.package pkg ]
+    | pkg <- pkgs, let pkgid = packageId pkg ]
   let missing = [ pkgid | (pkgid, Nothing) <- interfaces ]
hunk ./Distribution/Client/IndexUtils.hs 14
 -- Extra utils related to the package indexes.
 module Distribution.Client.IndexUtils (
+  getInstalledPackages,
hunk ./Distribution/Client/IndexUtils.hs 28
 import Distribution.Client.Types
          ( UnresolvedDependency(..), AvailablePackage(..)
          , AvailablePackageSource(..), Repo(..), RemoteRepo(..)
-         , AvailablePackageDb(..) )
+         , AvailablePackageDb(..), InstalledPackage(..) )
 import Distribution.Package
          ( PackageId, PackageIdentifier(..), PackageName(..), Package(..)
hunk ./Distribution/Client/IndexUtils.hs 32
-         , Dependency(Dependency) )
-import Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex (PackageIndex)
-import qualified Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex as PackageIndex
+         , Dependency(Dependency), InstalledPackageId(..) )
+import Distribution.Client.PackageIndex (PackageIndex)
+import qualified Distribution.Client.PackageIndex as PackageIndex
+import qualified Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex as InstalledPackageIndex
+import qualified Distribution.InstalledPackageInfo as InstalledPackageInfo
 import Distribution.PackageDescription
          ( GenericPackageDescription )
 import Distribution.PackageDescription.Parse
hunk ./Distribution/Client/IndexUtils.hs 41
          ( parsePackageDescription )
+import Distribution.Simple.Compiler
+         ( Compiler, PackageDBStack )
+import Distribution.Simple.Program
+         ( ProgramConfiguration )
+import qualified Distribution.Simple.Configure as Configure
+         ( getInstalledPackages )
 import Distribution.ParseUtils
          ( ParseResult(..) )
 import Distribution.Version
hunk ./Distribution/Client/IndexUtils.hs 50
-         ( intersectVersionRanges )
+         ( Version(Version), intersectVersionRanges )
 import Distribution.Text
          ( display, simpleParse )
 import Distribution.Verbosity (Verbosity)
hunk ./Distribution/Client/IndexUtils.hs 75
 import System.Time
          ( getClockTime, diffClockTimes, normalizeTimeDiff, TimeDiff(tdDay) )
+getInstalledPackages :: Verbosity -> Compiler
+                     -> PackageDBStack -> ProgramConfiguration
+                     -> IO (Maybe (PackageIndex InstalledPackage))
+getInstalledPackages verbosity comp packageDbs conf =
+  fmap (fmap convert)
+       (Configure.getInstalledPackages verbosity comp packageDbs conf)
+  where
+    convert :: InstalledPackageIndex.PackageIndex -> PackageIndex InstalledPackage
+    convert index = PackageIndex.fromList $
+      reverse -- because later ones mask earlier ones, but
+              -- InstalledPackageIndex.allPackages gives us the most preferred
+              -- instances first, when packages share a package id, like when
+              -- the same package is installed in the global & user dbs.
+      [ InstalledPackage ipkg (sourceDeps index ipkg)
+      | ipkg <- InstalledPackageIndex.allPackages index ]
+    -- The InstalledPackageInfo only lists dependencies by the
+    -- InstalledPackageId, which means we do not directly know the corresponding
+    -- source dependency. The only way to find out is to lookup the
+    -- InstalledPackageId to get the InstalledPackageInfo and look at its
+    -- source PackageId. But if the package is broken because it depends on
+    -- other packages that do not exist then we have a problem we cannot find
+    -- the original source package id. Instead we make up a bogus package id.
+    -- This should have the same effect since it should be a dependency on a
+    -- non-existant package.
+    sourceDeps index ipkg =
+      [ maybe (brokenPackageId depid) packageId mdep
+      | let depids = InstalledPackageInfo.depends ipkg
+            getpkg = InstalledPackageIndex.lookupInstalledPackageId index
+      , (depid, mdep) <- zip depids (map getpkg depids) ]
+    brokenPackageId (InstalledPackageId str) =
+      PackageIdentifier (PackageName (str ++ "-broken")) (Version [] [])
 -- | Read a repository index from disk, from the local files specified by
 -- a list of 'Repo's.
hunk ./Distribution/Client/Install.hs 47
 import qualified Distribution.Client.Haddock as Haddock (regenerateHaddockIndex)
 -- import qualified Distribution.Client.Info as Info
 import Distribution.Client.IndexUtils as IndexUtils
-         ( getAvailablePackages, disambiguateDependencies )
+         ( getAvailablePackages, disambiguateDependencies
+         , getInstalledPackages )
 import qualified Distribution.Client.InstallPlan as InstallPlan
 import Distribution.Client.InstallPlan (InstallPlan)
 import Distribution.Client.Setup
hunk ./Distribution/Client/Install.hs 62
          , AvailablePackageSource(..), AvailablePackageDb(..)
          , Repo(..), ConfiguredPackage(..)
          , BuildResult, BuildFailure(..), BuildSuccess(..)
-         , DocsResult(..), TestsResult(..), RemoteRepo(..) )
+         , DocsResult(..), TestsResult(..), RemoteRepo(..)
+         , InstalledPackage )
 import Distribution.Client.BuildReports.Types
          ( ReportLevel(..) )
 import Distribution.Client.SetupWrapper
hunk ./Distribution/Client/Install.hs 80
          ( CompilerId(..), Compiler(compilerId), compilerFlavor
          , PackageDB(..), PackageDBStack )
 import Distribution.Simple.Program (ProgramConfiguration, defaultProgramConfiguration)
-import Distribution.Simple.Configure (getInstalledPackages)
 import qualified Distribution.Simple.InstallDirs as InstallDirs
hunk ./Distribution/Client/Install.hs 81
-import qualified Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex as PackageIndex
-import Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex (PackageIndex)
+import qualified Distribution.Client.PackageIndex as PackageIndex
+import Distribution.Client.PackageIndex (PackageIndex)
 import Distribution.Simple.Setup
          ( haddockCommand, HaddockFlags(..), emptyHaddockFlags
          , buildCommand, BuildFlags(..), emptyBuildFlags
hunk ./Distribution/Client/Install.hs 105
          ( readPackageDescription )
 import Distribution.PackageDescription.Configuration
          ( finalizePackageDescription )
-import Distribution.InstalledPackageInfo
-         ( InstalledPackageInfo )
 import Distribution.Version
          ( Version, VersionRange, anyVersion, thisVersion )
 import Distribution.Simple.Utils as Utils
hunk ./Distribution/Client/Install.hs 162
             | otherwise = planRepoPackages PreferAllLatest
                             comp configFlags configExFlags installFlags deps
-type Planner = Maybe (PackageIndex InstalledPackageInfo)
+type Planner = Maybe (PackageIndex InstalledPackage)
             -> AvailablePackageDb
             -> IO (Progress String String InstallPlan)
hunk ./Distribution/Client/Install.hs 462
     ++ [ PackageVersionPreference name ver
        | Dependency name ver <- configPreferences configExFlags ]
-printDryRun :: Verbosity -> Maybe (PackageIndex InstalledPackageInfo)
+printDryRun :: Verbosity -> Maybe (PackageIndex InstalledPackage)
             -> InstallPlan -> IO ()
 printDryRun verbosity minstalled plan = case unfoldr next plan of
   []   -> return ()
hunk ./Distribution/Client/Install.hs 726
 withWin32SelfUpgrade verbosity configFlags compid pkg action = do
   defaultDirs <- InstallDirs.defaultInstallDirs
-                   compilerFlavor
+                   compFlavor
                    (fromFlag (configUserInstall configFlags))
                    (PackageDescription.hasLibs pkg)
hunk ./Distribution/Client/Install.hs 735
     pkgid = packageId pkg
-    (CompilerId compilerFlavor _) = compid
+    (CompilerId compFlavor _) = compid
     exeInstallPaths defaultDirs =
       [ InstallDirs.bindir absoluteDirs </> exeName <.> exeExtension
hunk ./Distribution/Client/InstallPlan.hs 48
 import Distribution.Client.Types
          ( AvailablePackage(packageDescription), ConfiguredPackage(..)
+         , InstalledPackage
          , BuildFailure, BuildSuccess )
 import Distribution.Package
          ( PackageIdentifier(..), PackageName(..), Package(..), packageName
hunk ./Distribution/Client/InstallPlan.hs 55
          , PackageFixedDeps(..), Dependency(..) )
 import Distribution.Version
          ( Version, withinRange )
-import Distribution.InstalledPackageInfo
-         ( InstalledPackageInfo )
 import Distribution.PackageDescription
          ( GenericPackageDescription(genPackageFlags)
          , PackageDescription(buildDepends)
hunk ./Distribution/Client/InstallPlan.hs 61
          , Flag(flagName), FlagName(..) )
 import Distribution.PackageDescription.Configuration
          ( finalizePackageDescription )
-import Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex
+import Distribution.Client.PackageIndex
          ( PackageIndex )
hunk ./Distribution/Client/InstallPlan.hs 63
-import qualified Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex as PackageIndex
+import qualified Distribution.Client.PackageIndex as PackageIndex
 import Distribution.Text
          ( display )
 import Distribution.System
hunk ./Distribution/Client/InstallPlan.hs 126
 -- have problems with inconsistent dependencies.
 -- On the other hand it is true that every closed sub plan is valid.
-data PlanPackage = PreExisting InstalledPackageInfo
+data PlanPackage = PreExisting InstalledPackage
                  | Configured  ConfiguredPackage
                  | Installed   ConfiguredPackage BuildSuccess
                  | Failed      ConfiguredPackage BuildFailure
hunk ./Distribution/Client/List.hs 18
 import Distribution.Package
          ( PackageName(..), packageName, packageVersion
-         , Dependency(..), thisPackageVersion )
+         , Dependency(..), thisPackageVersion, depends )
 import Distribution.ModuleName (ModuleName)
 import Distribution.License (License)
hunk ./Distribution/Client/List.hs 21
-import Distribution.InstalledPackageInfo (InstalledPackageInfo)
 import qualified Distribution.InstalledPackageInfo as Installed
 import qualified Distribution.PackageDescription   as Available
 import Distribution.PackageDescription
hunk ./Distribution/Client/List.hs 28
 import Distribution.PackageDescription.Configuration
          ( flattenPackageDescription )
-import Distribution.Simple.Configure (getInstalledPackages)
 import Distribution.Simple.Compiler
         ( Compiler, PackageDBStack )
 import Distribution.Simple.Program (ProgramConfiguration)
hunk ./Distribution/Client/List.hs 33
 import Distribution.Simple.Utils (equating, comparing, notice)
 import Distribution.Simple.Setup (fromFlag)
-import qualified Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex as PackageIndex
+import qualified Distribution.Client.PackageIndex as PackageIndex
 import Distribution.Version   (Version)
 import Distribution.Verbosity (Verbosity)
 import Distribution.Text
hunk ./Distribution/Client/List.hs 41
 import Distribution.Client.Types
          ( AvailablePackage(..), Repo, AvailablePackageDb(..)
-         , UnresolvedDependency(..) )
+         , UnresolvedDependency(..), InstalledPackage(..) )
 import Distribution.Client.Setup
          ( ListFlags(..), InfoFlags(..) )
 import Distribution.Client.Utils
hunk ./Distribution/Client/List.hs 47
          ( mergeBy, MergeResult(..) )
 import Distribution.Client.IndexUtils as IndexUtils
-         ( getAvailablePackages, disambiguateDependencies )
+         ( getAvailablePackages, disambiguateDependencies
+         , getInstalledPackages )
 import Distribution.Client.Fetch
          ( isFetched )
hunk ./Distribution/Client/List.hs 131
 data PackageDisplayInfo = PackageDisplayInfo {
     pkgname           :: PackageName,
-    allInstalled      :: [InstalledPackageInfo],
+    allInstalled      :: [InstalledPackage],
     allAvailable      :: [AvailablePackage],
hunk ./Distribution/Client/List.hs 133
-    latestInstalled   :: Maybe InstalledPackageInfo,
+    latestInstalled   :: Maybe InstalledPackage,
     latestAvailable   :: Maybe AvailablePackage,
     homepage          :: String,
     bugReports        :: String,
hunk ./Distribution/Client/List.hs 273
 -- the input package info records are all supposed to refer to the same
 -- package name.
-mergePackageInfo :: [InstalledPackageInfo]
+mergePackageInfo :: [InstalledPackage]
                  -> [AvailablePackage]
                  -> PackageDisplayInfo
 mergePackageInfo installedPkgs availablePkgs =
hunk ./Distribution/Client/List.hs 316
                            (maybe [] Available.exposedModules
                                    . Available.library) available,
     dependencies = combine Available.buildDepends available
-                           (map thisPackageVersion
-                             . Installed.depends) installed,
+                           (map thisPackageVersion . depends) installed',
     haddockHtml  = fromMaybe "" . join
                  . fmap (listToMaybe . Installed.haddockHTMLs)
                  $ installed,
hunk ./Distribution/Client/List.hs 324
     combine f x g y  = fromJust (fmap f x `mplus` fmap g y)
-    installed        = latest installedPkgs
+    installed'       = latest installedPkgs
+    installed        = fmap (\(InstalledPackage p _) -> p) installed'
     availableGeneric = fmap packageDescription (latest availablePkgs)
     available        = fmap flattenPackageDescription availableGeneric
     latest []        = Nothing
hunk ./Distribution/Client/List.hs 352
 -- same package by name. In the result pairs, the lists are guaranteed to not
 -- both be empty.
-mergePackages ::   [InstalledPackageInfo] -> [AvailablePackage]
-              -> [([InstalledPackageInfo],   [AvailablePackage])]
+mergePackages ::   [InstalledPackage] -> [AvailablePackage]
+              -> [([InstalledPackage],   [AvailablePackage])]
 mergePackages installed available =
     map collect
   $ mergeBy (\i a -> fst i `compare` fst a)
addfile ./Distribution/Client/PackageIndex.hs
hunk ./Distribution/Client/PackageIndex.hs 1
+-- |
+-- Module      :  Distribution.Client.PackageIndex
+-- Copyright   :  (c) David Himmelstrup 2005,
+--                    Bjorn Bringert 2007,
+--                    Duncan Coutts 2008
+-- Maintainer  :  cabal-devel at
+-- Portability :  portable
+-- An index of packages.
+module Distribution.Client.PackageIndex (
+  -- * Package index data type
+  PackageIndex,
+  -- * Creating an index
+  fromList,
+  -- * Updates
+  merge,
+  insert,
+  deletePackageName,
+  deletePackageId,
+  deleteDependency,
+  -- * Queries
+  -- ** Precise lookups
+  lookupPackageName,
+  lookupPackageId,
+  lookupDependency,
+  -- ** Case-insensitive searches
+  searchByName,
+  SearchResult(..),
+  searchByNameSubstring,
+  -- ** Bulk queries
+  allPackages,
+  allPackagesByName,
+  -- ** Special queries
+  brokenPackages,
+  dependencyClosure,
+  reverseDependencyClosure,
+  topologicalOrder,
+  reverseTopologicalOrder,
+  dependencyInconsistencies,
+  dependencyCycles,
+  dependencyGraph,
+  ) where
+import Prelude hiding (lookup)
+import Control.Exception (assert)
+import qualified Data.Map as Map
+import Data.Map (Map)
+import qualified Data.Tree  as Tree
+import qualified Data.Graph as Graph
+import qualified Data.Array as Array
+import Data.Array ((!))
+import Data.List (groupBy, sortBy, nub, find, isInfixOf)
+import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..))
+import Data.Maybe (isNothing, fromMaybe)
+import Distribution.Package
+         ( PackageName(..), PackageIdentifier(..)
+         , Package(..), packageName, packageVersion
+         , Dependency(Dependency), PackageFixedDeps(..) )
+import Distribution.Version
+         ( Version, withinRange )
+import Distribution.Simple.Utils (lowercase, equating, comparing)
+-- | The collection of information about packages from one or more 'PackageDB's.
+-- It can be searched effeciently by package name and version.
+newtype Package pkg => PackageIndex pkg = PackageIndex
+  -- This index package names to all the package records matching that package
+  -- name case-sensitively. It includes all versions.
+  --
+  -- This allows us to find all versions satisfying a dependency.
+  -- Most queries are a map lookup followed by a linear scan of the bucket.
+  --
+  (Map PackageName [pkg])
+  deriving (Show, Read)
+instance Package pkg => Monoid (PackageIndex pkg) where
+  mempty  = PackageIndex (Map.empty)
+  mappend = merge
+  --save one mappend with empty in the common case:
+  mconcat [] = mempty
+  mconcat xs = foldr1 mappend xs
+invariant :: Package pkg => PackageIndex pkg -> Bool
+invariant (PackageIndex m) = all (uncurry goodBucket) (Map.toList m)
+  where
+    goodBucket _    [] = False
+    goodBucket name (pkg0:pkgs0) = check (packageId pkg0) pkgs0
+      where
+        check pkgid []          = packageName pkgid == name
+        check pkgid (pkg':pkgs) = packageName pkgid == name
+                               && pkgid < pkgid'
+                               && check pkgid' pkgs
+          where pkgid' = packageId pkg'
+-- * Internal helpers
+mkPackageIndex :: Package pkg => Map PackageName [pkg] -> PackageIndex pkg
+mkPackageIndex index = assert (invariant (PackageIndex index))
+                                         (PackageIndex index)
+internalError :: String -> a
+internalError name = error ("PackageIndex." ++ name ++ ": internal error")
+-- | Lookup a name in the index to get all packages that match that name
+-- case-sensitively.
+lookup :: Package pkg => PackageIndex pkg -> PackageName -> [pkg]
+lookup (PackageIndex m) name = fromMaybe [] $ Map.lookup name m
+-- * Construction
+-- | Build an index out of a bunch of packages.
+-- If there are duplicates, later ones mask earlier ones.
+fromList :: Package pkg => [pkg] -> PackageIndex pkg
+fromList pkgs = mkPackageIndex
+              . fixBucket
+              . Map.fromListWith (++)
+              $ [ (packageName pkg, [pkg])
+                | pkg <- pkgs ]
+  where
+    fixBucket = -- out of groups of duplicates, later ones mask earlier ones
+                -- but Map.fromListWith (++) constructs groups in reverse order
+                map head
+                -- Eq instance for PackageIdentifier is wrong, so use Ord:
+              . groupBy (\a b -> EQ == comparing packageId a b)
+                -- relies on sortBy being a stable sort so we
+                -- can pick consistently among duplicates
+              . sortBy (comparing packageId)
+-- * Updates
+-- | Merge two indexes.
+-- Packages from the second mask packages of the same exact name
+-- (case-sensitively) from the first.
+merge :: Package pkg => PackageIndex pkg -> PackageIndex pkg -> PackageIndex pkg
+merge i1@(PackageIndex m1) i2@(PackageIndex m2) =
+  assert (invariant i1 && invariant i2) $
+    mkPackageIndex (Map.unionWith mergeBuckets m1 m2)
+-- | Elements in the second list mask those in the first.
+mergeBuckets :: Package pkg => [pkg] -> [pkg] -> [pkg]
+mergeBuckets []     ys     = ys
+mergeBuckets xs     []     = xs
+mergeBuckets xs@(x:xs') ys@(y:ys') =
+      case packageId x `compare` packageId y of
+        GT -> y : mergeBuckets xs  ys'
+        EQ -> y : mergeBuckets xs' ys'
+        LT -> x : mergeBuckets xs' ys
+-- | Inserts a single package into the index.
+-- This is equivalent to (but slightly quicker than) using 'mappend' or
+-- 'merge' with a singleton index.
+insert :: Package pkg => pkg -> PackageIndex pkg -> PackageIndex pkg
+insert pkg (PackageIndex index) = mkPackageIndex $
+  Map.insertWith (\_ -> insertNoDup) (packageName pkg) [pkg] index
+  where
+    pkgid = packageId pkg
+    insertNoDup []                = [pkg]
+    insertNoDup pkgs@(pkg':pkgs') = case compare pkgid (packageId pkg') of
+      LT -> pkg  : pkgs
+      EQ -> pkg  : pkgs'
+      GT -> pkg' : insertNoDup pkgs'
+-- | Internal delete helper.
+delete :: Package pkg => PackageName -> (pkg -> Bool) -> PackageIndex pkg -> PackageIndex pkg
+delete name p (PackageIndex index) = mkPackageIndex $
+  Map.update filterBucket name index
+  where
+    filterBucket = deleteEmptyBucket
+                 . filter (not . p)
+    deleteEmptyBucket []        = Nothing
+    deleteEmptyBucket remaining = Just remaining
+-- | Removes a single package from the index.
+deletePackageId :: Package pkg => PackageIdentifier -> PackageIndex pkg -> PackageIndex pkg
+deletePackageId pkgid =
+  delete (packageName pkgid) (\pkg -> packageId pkg == pkgid)
+-- | Removes all packages with this (case-sensitive) name from the index.
+deletePackageName :: Package pkg => PackageName -> PackageIndex pkg -> PackageIndex pkg
+deletePackageName name =
+  delete name (\pkg -> packageName pkg == name)
+-- | Removes all packages satisfying this dependency from the index.
+deleteDependency :: Package pkg => Dependency -> PackageIndex pkg -> PackageIndex pkg
+deleteDependency (Dependency name verstionRange) =
+  delete name (\pkg -> packageVersion pkg `withinRange` verstionRange)
+-- * Bulk queries
+-- | Get all the packages from the index.
+allPackages :: Package pkg => PackageIndex pkg -> [pkg]
+allPackages (PackageIndex m) = concat (Map.elems m)
+-- | Get all the packages from the index.
+-- They are grouped by package name, case-sensitively.
+allPackagesByName :: Package pkg => PackageIndex pkg -> [[pkg]]
+allPackagesByName (PackageIndex m) = Map.elems m
+-- * Lookups
+-- | Does a lookup by package id (name & version).
+-- Since multiple package DBs mask each other case-sensitively by package name,
+-- then we get back at most one package.
+lookupPackageId :: Package pkg => PackageIndex pkg -> PackageIdentifier -> Maybe pkg
+lookupPackageId index pkgid =
+  case [ pkg | pkg <- lookup index (packageName pkgid)
+             , packageId pkg == pkgid ] of
+    []    -> Nothing
+    [pkg] -> Just pkg
+    _     -> internalError "lookupPackageIdentifier"
+-- | Does a case-sensitive search by package name.
+lookupPackageName :: Package pkg => PackageIndex pkg -> PackageName -> [pkg]
+lookupPackageName index name =
+  [ pkg | pkg <- lookup index name
+        , packageName pkg == name ]
+-- | Does a case-sensitive search by package name and a range of versions.
+-- We get back any number of versions of the specified package name, all
+-- satisfying the version range constraint.
+lookupDependency :: Package pkg => PackageIndex pkg -> Dependency -> [pkg]
+lookupDependency index (Dependency name versionRange) =
+  [ pkg | pkg <- lookup index name
+        , packageName pkg == name
+        , packageVersion pkg `withinRange` versionRange ]
+-- * Case insensitive name lookups
+-- | Does a case-insensitive search by package name.
+-- If there is only one package that compares case-insentiviely to this name
+-- then the search is unambiguous and we get back all versions of that package.
+-- If several match case-insentiviely but one matches exactly then it is also
+-- unambiguous.
+-- If however several match case-insentiviely and none match exactly then we
+-- have an ambiguous result, and we get back all the versions of all the
+-- packages. The list of ambiguous results is split by exact package name. So
+-- it is a non-empty list of non-empty lists.
+searchByName :: Package pkg => PackageIndex pkg -> String -> SearchResult [pkg]
+searchByName (PackageIndex m) name =
+  case [ pkgs | pkgs@(PackageName name',_) <- Map.toList m
+              , lowercase name' == lname ] of
+    []              -> None
+    [(_,pkgs)]      -> Unambiguous pkgs
+    pkgss           -> case find ((PackageName name==) . fst) pkgss of
+      Just (_,pkgs) -> Unambiguous pkgs
+      Nothing       -> Ambiguous (map snd pkgss)
+  where lname = lowercase name
+data SearchResult a = None | Unambiguous a | Ambiguous [a]
+-- | Does a case-insensitive substring search by package name.
+-- That is, all packages that contain the given string in their name.
+searchByNameSubstring :: Package pkg => PackageIndex pkg -> String -> [pkg]
+searchByNameSubstring (PackageIndex m) searchterm =
+  [ pkg
+  | (PackageName name, pkgs) <- Map.toList m
+  , lsearchterm `isInfixOf` lowercase name
+  , pkg <- pkgs ]
+  where lsearchterm = lowercase searchterm
+-- * Special queries
+-- | All packages that have dependencies that are not in the index.
+-- Returns such packages along with the dependencies that they're missing.
+brokenPackages :: PackageFixedDeps pkg
+               => PackageIndex pkg
+               -> [(pkg, [PackageIdentifier])]
+brokenPackages index =
+  [ (pkg, missing)
+  | pkg  <- allPackages index
+  , let missing = [ pkg' | pkg' <- depends pkg
+                         , isNothing (lookupPackageId index pkg') ]
+  , not (null missing) ]
+-- | Tries to take the transative closure of the package dependencies.
+-- If the transative closure is complete then it returns that subset of the
+-- index. Otherwise it returns the broken packages as in 'brokenPackages'.
+-- * Note that if the result is @Right []@ it is because at least one of
+-- the original given 'PackageIdentifier's do not occur in the index.
+dependencyClosure :: PackageFixedDeps pkg
+                  => PackageIndex pkg
+                  -> [PackageIdentifier]
+                  -> Either (PackageIndex pkg)
+                            [(pkg, [PackageIdentifier])]
+dependencyClosure index pkgids0 = case closure mempty [] pkgids0 of
+  (completed, []) -> Left completed
+  (completed, _)  -> Right (brokenPackages completed)
+  where
+    closure completed failed []             = (completed, failed)
+    closure completed failed (pkgid:pkgids) = case lookupPackageId index pkgid of
+      Nothing   -> closure completed (pkgid:failed) pkgids
+      Just pkg  -> case lookupPackageId completed (packageId pkg) of
+        Just _  -> closure completed  failed pkgids
+        Nothing -> closure completed' failed pkgids'
+          where completed' = insert pkg completed
+                pkgids'    = depends pkg ++ pkgids
+-- | Takes the transative closure of the packages reverse dependencies.
+-- * The given 'PackageIdentifier's must be in the index.
+reverseDependencyClosure :: PackageFixedDeps pkg
+                         => PackageIndex pkg
+                         -> [PackageIdentifier]
+                         -> [pkg]
+reverseDependencyClosure index =
+    map vertexToPkg
+  . concatMap Tree.flatten
+  . Graph.dfs reverseDepGraph
+  . map (fromMaybe noSuchPkgId . pkgIdToVertex)
+  where
+    (depGraph, vertexToPkg, pkgIdToVertex) = dependencyGraph index
+    reverseDepGraph = Graph.transposeG depGraph
+    noSuchPkgId = error "reverseDependencyClosure: package is not in the graph"
+topologicalOrder :: PackageFixedDeps pkg => PackageIndex pkg -> [pkg]
+topologicalOrder index = map toPkgId
+                       . Graph.topSort
+                       $ graph
+  where (graph, toPkgId, _) = dependencyGraph index
+reverseTopologicalOrder :: PackageFixedDeps pkg => PackageIndex pkg -> [pkg]
+reverseTopologicalOrder index = map toPkgId
+                              . Graph.topSort
+                              . Graph.transposeG
+                              $ graph
+  where (graph, toPkgId, _) = dependencyGraph index
+-- | Given a package index where we assume we want to use all the packages
+-- (use 'dependencyClosure' if you need to get such a index subset) find out
+-- if the dependencies within it use consistent versions of each package.
+-- Return all cases where multiple packages depend on different versions of
+-- some other package.
+-- Each element in the result is a package name along with the packages that
+-- depend on it and the versions they require. These are guaranteed to be
+-- distinct.
+dependencyInconsistencies :: PackageFixedDeps pkg
+                          => PackageIndex pkg
+                          -> [(PackageName, [(PackageIdentifier, Version)])]
+dependencyInconsistencies index =
+  [ (name, inconsistencies)
+  | (name, uses) <- Map.toList inverseIndex
+  , let inconsistencies = duplicatesBy uses
+        versions = map snd inconsistencies
+  , reallyIsInconsistent name (nub versions) ]
+  where inverseIndex = Map.fromListWith (++)
+          [ (packageName dep, [(packageId pkg, packageVersion dep)])
+          | pkg <- allPackages index
+          , dep <- depends pkg ]
+        duplicatesBy = (\groups -> if length groups == 1
+                                     then []
+                                     else concat groups)
+                     . groupBy (equating snd)
+                     . sortBy (comparing snd)
+        reallyIsInconsistent :: PackageName -> [Version] -> Bool
+        reallyIsInconsistent _    []       = False
+        reallyIsInconsistent name [v1, v2] =
+          case (mpkg1, mpkg2) of
+            (Just pkg1, Just pkg2) -> pkgid1 `notElem` depends pkg2
+                                   && pkgid2 `notElem` depends pkg1
+            _ -> True
+          where
+            pkgid1 = PackageIdentifier name v1
+            pkgid2 = PackageIdentifier name v2
+            mpkg1 = lookupPackageId index pkgid1
+            mpkg2 = lookupPackageId index pkgid2
+        reallyIsInconsistent _ _ = True
+-- | Find if there are any cycles in the dependency graph. If there are no
+-- cycles the result is @[]@.
+-- This actually computes the strongly connected components. So it gives us a
+-- list of groups of packages where within each group they all depend on each
+-- other, directly or indirectly.
+dependencyCycles :: PackageFixedDeps pkg
+                 => PackageIndex pkg
+                 -> [[pkg]]
+dependencyCycles index =
+  [ vs | Graph.CyclicSCC vs <- Graph.stronglyConnComp adjacencyList ]
+  where
+    adjacencyList = [ (pkg, packageId pkg, depends pkg)
+                    | pkg <- allPackages index ]
+-- | Builds a graph of the package dependencies.
+-- Dependencies on other packages that are not in the index are discarded.
+-- You can check if there are any such dependencies with 'brokenPackages'.
+dependencyGraph :: PackageFixedDeps pkg
+                => PackageIndex pkg
+                -> (Graph.Graph,
+                    Graph.Vertex -> pkg,
+                    PackageIdentifier -> Maybe Graph.Vertex)
+dependencyGraph index = (graph, vertexToPkg, pkgIdToVertex)
+  where
+    graph = Array.listArray bounds
+              [ [ v | Just v <- map pkgIdToVertex (depends pkg) ]
+              | pkg <- pkgs ]
+    vertexToPkg vertex = pkgTable ! vertex
+    pkgIdToVertex = binarySearch 0 topBound
+    pkgTable   = Array.listArray bounds pkgs
+    pkgIdTable = Array.listArray bounds (map packageId pkgs)
+    pkgs = sortBy (comparing packageId) (allPackages index)
+    topBound = length pkgs - 1
+    bounds = (0, topBound)
+    binarySearch a b key
+      | a > b     = Nothing
+      | otherwise = case compare key (pkgIdTable ! mid) of
+          LT -> binarySearch a (mid-1) key
+          EQ -> Just mid
+          GT -> binarySearch (mid+1) b key
+      where mid = (a + b) `div` 2
hunk ./Distribution/Client/SetupWrapper.hs 23
   ) where
+import Distribution.Client.Types
+         ( InstalledPackage )
 import qualified Distribution.Make as Make
 import qualified Distribution.Simple as Simple
 import Distribution.Version
hunk ./Distribution/Client/SetupWrapper.hs 39
          , PackageDescription(..), BuildType(..) )
 import Distribution.PackageDescription.Parse
          ( readPackageDescription )
-import Distribution.InstalledPackageInfo
-         ( InstalledPackageInfo )
 import Distribution.Simple.Configure
hunk ./Distribution/Client/SetupWrapper.hs 40
-         ( configCompiler, getInstalledPackages )
+         ( configCompiler )
 import Distribution.Simple.Compiler
          ( CompilerFlavor(GHC), Compiler, PackageDB(..), PackageDBStack )
 import Distribution.Simple.Program
hunk ./Distribution/Client/SetupWrapper.hs 52
          ( CommandUI(..), commandShowOptions )
 import Distribution.Simple.GHC
          ( ghcVerbosityOptions )
-import qualified Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex as PackageIndex
-import Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex (PackageIndex)
+import qualified Distribution.Client.PackageIndex as PackageIndex
+import Distribution.Client.PackageIndex (PackageIndex)
+import Distribution.Client.IndexUtils
+         ( getInstalledPackages )
 import Distribution.Simple.Utils
          ( die, debug, info, cabalVersion, findPackageDesc, comparing
          , createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose )
hunk ./Distribution/Client/SetupWrapper.hs 81
     useCabalVersion  :: VersionRange,
     useCompiler      :: Maybe Compiler,
     usePackageDB     :: PackageDBStack,
-    usePackageIndex  :: Maybe (PackageIndex InstalledPackageInfo),
+    usePackageIndex  :: Maybe (PackageIndex InstalledPackage),
     useProgramConfig :: ProgramConfiguration,
     useDistPref      :: FilePath,
     useLoggingHandle :: Maybe Handle,
hunk ./Distribution/Client/Types.hs 16
 module Distribution.Client.Types where
 import Distribution.Package
-         ( PackageName, PackageIdentifier(..), Package(..)
+         ( PackageName, PackageId, Package(..)
          , PackageFixedDeps(..), Dependency )
hunk ./Distribution/Client/Types.hs 18
+import Distribution.InstalledPackageInfo
+         ( InstalledPackageInfo )
 import Distribution.PackageDescription
          ( GenericPackageDescription, FlagAssignment )
hunk ./Distribution/Client/Types.hs 22
-import Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex
+import Distribution.Client.PackageIndex
          ( PackageIndex )
 import Distribution.Version
          ( VersionRange )
hunk ./Distribution/Client/Types.hs 42
   packagePreferences :: Map PackageName VersionRange
+-- | TODO: This is a hack to help us transition from Cabal-1.6 to 1.8.
+-- What is new in 1.8 is that installed packages and dependencies between
+-- installed packages are now identified by an opaque InstalledPackageId
+-- rather than a source PackageId.
+-- We should use simply an 'InstalledPackageInfo' here but to ease the
+-- transition we are temporarily using this variant where we pretend that
+-- installed packages still specify their deps in terms of PackageIds.
+-- Crucially this means that 'InstalledPackage' can be an instance of
+-- 'PackageFixedDeps' where as 'InstalledPackageInfo' is no longer an instance
+-- of that class. This means we can make 'PackageIndex'es of InstalledPackage
+-- where as the InstalledPackageInfo now has its own monomorphic index type.
+data InstalledPackage = InstalledPackage
+       InstalledPackageInfo
+       [PackageId]
+instance Package InstalledPackage where
+  packageId (InstalledPackage pkg _) = packageId pkg
+instance PackageFixedDeps InstalledPackage where
+  depends (InstalledPackage _ deps) = deps
 -- | A 'ConfiguredPackage' is a not-yet-installed package along with the
 -- total configuration information. The configuration information is total in
 -- the sense that it provides all the configuration information and so the
hunk ./Distribution/Client/Types.hs 73
 data ConfiguredPackage = ConfiguredPackage
        AvailablePackage    -- package info, including repo
        FlagAssignment      -- complete flag assignment for the package
-       [PackageIdentifier] -- set of exact dependencies. These must be
+       [PackageId]         -- set of exact dependencies. These must be
                            -- consistent with the 'buildDepends' in the
                            -- 'PackageDescrption' that you'd get by applying
                            -- the flag assignment.
hunk ./Distribution/Client/Types.hs 89
 -- | We re-use @GenericPackageDescription@ and use the @package-url@
 -- field to store the tarball URI.
 data AvailablePackage = AvailablePackage {
-    packageInfoId      :: PackageIdentifier,
+    packageInfoId      :: PackageId,
     packageDescription :: GenericPackageDescription,
     packageSource      :: AvailablePackageSource
hunk ./Distribution/Client/Types.hs 139
   deriving (Show)
 type BuildResult  = Either BuildFailure BuildSuccess
-data BuildFailure = DependentFailed PackageIdentifier
+data BuildFailure = DependentFailed PackageId
                   | DownloadFailed  Exception
                   | UnpackFailed    Exception
                   | ConfigureFailed Exception
hunk ./Distribution/Client/Unpack.hs 21
   ) where
 import Distribution.Package ( packageId, Dependency(..) )
-import Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex as PackageIndex (lookupDependency)
+import Distribution.Client.PackageIndex as PackageIndex (lookupDependency)
 import Distribution.Simple.Setup(fromFlag, fromFlagOrDefault)
 import Distribution.Simple.Utils(info, notice, die)
 import Distribution.Text(display)
hunk ./Distribution/Client/Update.hs 23
          ( downloadIndex )
 import qualified Distribution.Client.Utils as BS
          ( writeFileAtomic )
-import qualified Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex as PackageIndex
+import qualified Distribution.Client.PackageIndex as PackageIndex
 import Distribution.Client.IndexUtils
          ( getAvailablePackages )
 import qualified Paths_cabal_install
hunk ./cabal-install.cabal 78
     build-depends: base >= 2 && < 4,
-                   Cabal >= 1.7.3 && < 1.9,
+                   Cabal >= 1.7.5 && < 1.9,
                    filepath >= 1.0,
                    network >= 1 && < 3,
                    HTTP >= 4000.0.2 && < 4001,


[add 'init' subcommand for initializing project cabalisation
Brent Yorgey <byorgey at>**20091011165644
 Ignore-this: df51056f9e138d38d64f48c86cdf6376
[Collecting some heuristics for creating an initial cabal file
benedikt.huber at**20090902160332
 Ignore-this: 50eb36690a888529d209f9da5af15078
[Apply suggestion for bootstrap failure message
Duncan Coutts <duncan at>**20091020212319
 Ignore-this: 70ed13514b158db7672f5d16a9ed90ea
 ghc ticket #3602
[Fix calculation of paths in check for bindir symlink overwriting
Duncan Coutts <duncan at>**20090829004959
 Ignore-this: d4dd8e12c03d23ce935de94cedbda257
 We were doing it wrong, but Linux realpath() C function was letting
 us get away with it. The Solaris realpath() is stricter.
 The new implementation is also simpler, relying on the fact that
 the canonicalizePath function will resolve symlinks.
[Require Cabal lib version 1.7.3
Duncan Coutts <duncan at>**20090707095944
 Needs recent api changes.
[Make the documentation toggle determine if we make the haddock index
Duncan Coutts <duncan at>**20090707013030
 Previously the --haddock-index=template flag controled both the
 template used and whether it's used at all. When no path was set
 then it was not used. The problem with that is that since we are
 not enabling this feature by default then the default is blank.
 That is the default config file would look like:
 -- haddock-index:
 which doesn't help anyone discover what it means or what a
 sensible setting would be. By having a separate toggle to     
 enable/disable we can have a default for the index file which
 makes it easy to discover in the config file:
 -- documentation: False
 -- doc-index-file: $datadir/doc/index.html
 All the user has to do is uncomment the first line and use True.
[Be less noisy about warning about packages with missing docs
Duncan Coutts <duncan at>**20090707005149] 
[Use defaultInstallFlags as the defaults
Duncan Coutts <duncan at>**20090707004836] 
[Move regenerateHaddockIndex more out-of-line in the Install module
Duncan Coutts <duncan at>**20090707003722
 Also update the code somewhat following the changes in
 the Cabal API for path templates and substitutions.
[Use $pkgroot/package/$pkgid.tar.gz as tarball URL
Duncan Coutts <duncan at>**20090704170602] 
[#516, maintains a per-user index of haddock docs
Andrea Vezzosi <sanzhiyan at>**20090607170512
 Ignore-this: 1114f6b944043781c4bf99620573b1cc
 If the haddock-index flag is set it keeps an index 
 of the haddock documentation of the packages in 
 the global and user databases
[Now supporting explicit --user or --global switches in with usage feedback for bad args
Dino Morelli <dino at>**20090613150958
 Ignore-this: 490a4fcdd5bc1940d6f32d71b0a042a5
 This change was adapted from work submitted to the cabal-devel mailing list by Jason Dusek.
[add message to 'package not found' error advising to run 'cabal update'. (#497)
Brent Yorgey <byorgey at>**20090611171233] 
[Fix sdist
Duncan Coutts <duncan at>**20090605023441
 Fix handling of base dir in tar file creation.
[Fix use of deprecated version constructors
Duncan Coutts <duncan at>**20090604180500] 
[Only report preferred new versions of cabal-install are available
Duncan Coutts <duncan at>**20090604175726
 That is, use the "preferred-versions" mechanism when deciding
 whether there is a new version available. This would allow us to
 upload a new version without everyone immediately being told to
 get it and try it out.
[Make cabal upload/check print out the error messages reported by the server
Duncan Coutts <duncan at>**20090604124836
 The code to do it was already there but we were checking for the
 mime type text/plain using just (==) when in fact the server reports  
   text/plain; charset="ISO-8859-1"
 so we have to parse the field a bit better (still a bit of a hack).
[Require latest Cabal lib version
Duncan Coutts <duncan at>**20090603102312] 
[Improve formatting of cabal check output
Duncan Coutts <duncan at>**20090603102254] 
[Only apply preferences to base if its version is unbounded above
Duncan Coutts <duncan at>**20090603101623
 Fixes ticket #485. This means that for constraints like:
     build-depends: base >= 3 && < 5
 we will pick version 4. However we will continue to apply the
 version 3 preference for things like:
     build-depends: base >= 3
 Where there is no upper bound on the version. Note that we now
 also ignore preferences for base given on the command line.
 We should implement #483 to split prefs from shims.
[Improve the parse error message for package name/deps
Duncan Coutts <duncan at>**20090321154623
 Make it clear that it's the specification of the package name that
 is at fault rather than the package to which the name refers.
[Debian in their wisdom decided to build network against parsec 3.
Duncan Coutts <duncan at>**20090308142925
 So checking for parsec 2 fails. We don't strictly need parsec, it's
 just a dependency of network, so remove the check.
[Simplify version ranges before printing in error messages
Duncan Coutts <duncan at>**20090531191346
 Part of ticket #369
[Use new top handler, should get better error messages
Duncan Coutts <duncan at>**20090531190318] 
[Fix uses of deprecated stuff
Duncan Coutts <duncan at>**20090531190239] 
[New development branch, version 0.7
Duncan Coutts <duncan at>**20090531184336
 Update to development version of Cabal
[Solaris 9 /bin/sh doesn't like the ! syntax in
Duncan Coutts <duncan at>**20090318091730] 
[Clarify the instructions in the README and
Duncan Coutts <duncan at>**20090315125407
 Addresses the complaint in ticket #523.
[Select Configuration file via env var CABAL_CONFIG.
Paolo Losi <paolo.losi at>**20090223005251
 Ignore-this: 26e5ded85cb69cb3a19cd57680a8a362
[Update tar code based on new tar package
Duncan Coutts <duncan at>**20090301174949] 
[Actually does compile with unix-1.0 that comes with ghc-6.6
Duncan Coutts <duncan at>**20090221154605
 ghc-6.6.1 came with unix-2.1
[TAG 0.6.2
Duncan Coutts <duncan at>**20090219130720] 
Patch bundle hash:

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