patch applied (cabal-branches/cabal-1.2): When multiple specifying list fields in the same section combine them

Ian Lynagh igloo at
Sat May 31 06:35:16 EDT 2008

Wed Apr 23 13:15:19 PDT 2008  Duncan Coutts <duncan at>
  * When multiple specifying list fields in the same section combine them
  eg if you had:
  extensions: Foo
  extensions: Bar, Baz
  then previously we only ended up with [Bar, Baz]. Now we get them all.
  Only applies to list fields, for single fields the second value is taken
  and the first is silently discarded. This isn't good of course but the
  fix is harder since we're not in a context where we can report errors.
  Really we should just declare up front what kind of field it is and
  inherit the right behaviour automagically, either duplicates disallowed
  or allowed and combined with mappend.

    M ./Distribution/ParseUtils.hs -3 +7

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