patch applied (cabal-branches/cabal-1.4): Cope better with ghc bug #2201, display a better error message

Duncan Coutts duncan.coutts at
Mon May 5 05:23:18 EDT 2008

Mon May  5 01:57:46 PDT 2008  Duncan Coutts <duncan at>
  * Cope better with ghc bug #2201, display a better error message
  Otherwise it can (and does) really confuse people.
  The problem is that the command $ ghc-pkg-6.9 describe '*' --user
  returns a non-zero exit code if the user package db is empty.
  ghc-pkg intends this exit code to tell us if the query returned
  any results (one can use more complex queries as tests) but Cabal
  interprets it as failure. Indeed we cannot distinguish it from
  any other kind of failure from ghc-pkg.

    M ./Distribution/Simple/GHC.hs -1 +11

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