Cabal install performs worse on Hugs

Duncan Coutts duncan.coutts at
Sun Jun 15 16:00:43 EDT 2008

On Sat, 2008-06-14 at 15:05 +0100, Neil Mitchell wrote:
> Hi,
> Using Cabal 1.4 Branch and Cabal-install HEAD:
> C:\Neil\uniplate>cabal install --hugs
> Resolving dependencies...
> cabal: internal error: could not construct a valid install plan.
> The proposed (invalid) plan contained the following problems:
> Package uniplate-1.1 has an invalid configuration, in particular:
>   the package has a dependency base >=3 but no package has been selected to sati
> sfy it.
>   the package has a dependency containers -any but no package has been selected
> to satisfy it.
>   the package has a dependency mtl -any but no package has been selected to sati
> sfy it.

We changed the dependency resolution stuff a lot and have not updated
the grievous hacks required to do anything sensible when we do not know
what is installed.

Generating install plans with hugs is actually impossible which does
make things a bit tricky to do in a regular way since we do now rather
rely on install plans as a unifying abstraction.

> But doing it the old way:

Which does not try to make an install plan.

> It seems like if cabal install is incapable of doing anything good on
> Hugs, it should at least try to see if it works already.

I'll think about it a bit more.


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