patch applied (cabal): Replace remaining OPTIONS pragmas with LANGUAGE + OPTIONS_GHC/JHC/NHC98

Duncan Coutts duncan.coutts at
Wed Jan 23 19:14:52 EST 2008

Wed Jan 23 13:19:23 PST 2008  Duncan Coutts <duncan at>
  * Replace remaining OPTIONS pragmas with LANGUAGE + OPTIONS_GHC/JHC/NHC98
  ghc-6.4 and above recognise the OPTIONS_GHC pragma.
  ghc-6.6 and above recognise the LANGUAGE pragma.
  Added OPTIONS_JHC and OPTIONS_NHC pragmas with equivalant flags.

    M ./Distribution/Compat/ReadP.hs -1 +4
    M ./Distribution/Compat/TempFile.hs -1 +4
    M ./Distribution/Compiler.hs -1 +4
    M ./Distribution/Configuration.hs -1 +4
    M ./Distribution/PackageDescription.hs -1 +4
    M ./Distribution/ParseUtils.hs -1 +4
    M ./Distribution/Simple/Build.hs -2 +3
    M ./Distribution/Simple/InstallDirs.hs -1 +4
    M ./Distribution/Simple/Utils.hs -1 +4
    M ./Distribution/Version.hs -1 +4

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