patch applied (cabal-install): Make a proper RepoIndex ADT

Duncan Coutts duncan.coutts at
Fri Jan 18 18:03:30 EST 2008

Thu Jan 17 09:58:54 PST 2008  Duncan Coutts <duncan at>
  * Make a proper RepoIndex ADT
  This represents the collection of packages from a remote repo.
  It encodes the policies on how we find packages when we have multiple repos.
  The policy is encoded in the repo merge operation and in the various kinds of
  lookup functions.

    M ./Hackage/Dependency.hs -28 +28
    M ./Hackage/Index.hs -14 +191
    M ./Hackage/List.hs -3 +5
    M ./cabal-install.cabal -1 +2

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