patch applied (cabal): Add auto-generated CPP macros for package version testing

Simon Marlow simonmarhaskell at
Tue Aug 12 11:08:50 EDT 2008

Mon Aug 11 10:30:16 PDT 2008  Simon Marlow <marlowsd at>
  * Add auto-generated CPP macros for package version testing
  Now when using CPP you get 
  for each <package> in build-depends, which is true if the version of
  <package> in use is >= A.B.C, using the normal ordering on version
  This is done by auto-generating a header file
  dist/build/autogen/cabal_macros.h, and passing a -include flag when
  running CPP.

    M ./Distribution/Simple/Build.hs -2 +43
    M ./Distribution/Simple/BuildPaths.hs +3
    M ./Distribution/Simple/GHC.hs +2
    M ./Distribution/Simple/PreProcess.hs -3 +9
    M ./doc/Cabal.xml +41

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