patch applied (cabal-install): Remove the resolveDependenciesLocal, implement it via resolveDependencies

Duncan Coutts duncan.coutts at
Wed Apr 30 17:45:07 EDT 2008

Wed Apr 30 12:33:51 PDT 2008  Duncan Coutts <duncan at>
  * Remove the resolveDependenciesLocal, implement it via resolveDependencies
  The local variant was for the case that we were starting from a package
  description rather than a dependency to a named package. In the local
  case we not only need to resolve the dependencies of the package but also
  to find a flag assignment for the local package. This case crops up in
  the resolver normally when we try to satisfy a dependency, we have to
  pick a flag assignment for the dependency and resolve its dependencies.
  It is annoying to have both entry points, especially as we want the
  resolver to be plugable. So instead we define the local package as an
  available package, then by resolving a single dependency on exactly the
  name and version of the local package then we can get an install plan for
  the local package. It also requires generalising installPkg to deal with
  the local case.

    M ./Hackage/Dependency.hs -19
    M ./Hackage/Install.hs -13 +35

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