patch applied (cabal-branches/cabal-1.2): Change the handling of cpp & ghc flags for hsc2hs

Duncan Coutts duncan.coutts at
Wed Oct 17 14:31:01 EDT 2007

Tue Oct 16 16:16:52 PDT 2007  Duncan Coutts <duncan at>
  * Change the handling of cpp & ghc flags for hsc2hs
  The hsc2hs that comes with ghc uses ghc as the C compiler. This means we must
  escape the real cc flags. It also means we can ask ghc to add extra include
  dirs that we might need to find includes of dependent packages. This is a bit
  of a hack. In the longer term it'd be better for Cabal to collect the include
  dirs and cc options of dependent packages and to pass them explicitly itself.

    M ./Distribution/Simple/PreProcess.hs -20 +35

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