[Haskell-cafe] Cabal Configurations - Beta-Testers Wanted

Thomas Schilling nominolo at googlemail.com
Thu Jun 28 07:39:50 EDT 2007

Hi Pepe,

I partially fixed it.  A full fix would require a feature that is not  
yet implemented.  I'll take a look at it later today.

The problem was, that shim has no library section, but my  
compatibility translator created an incomplete one, just to carry the  
dependencies.  The right solution would be to add them to each  
executable, but there they won't be check yet for them, yet.  So,  
your Cabal file is now internally translated to:

Name:           shim
Version:        0.1
License:        BSD3
License-file:   LICENSE
Copyright:      (c) 2006 Benedikt Schmidt
Maintainer:     Benedikt Schmidt <beschmi at cloaked.de>

Library {
   -- library section is only there to contain the dependencies
   -- It is therefore marked as not buildable
   Buildable: False
   Build-Depends:  unix, ghc, haskell98, base, parsec, network,
                   Cabal<1.1.7, mtl, filepath

Executable shim {
   Main-is:        Main.hs
   Ghc-Options:    -O0

Executable shim-udproxy {
   Main-is:        Shim/Udproxy.hs
   Ghc-Options:    -O0 -main-is Shim.Udproxy.main

Please, update cabal+configs.

> > configure: Reading installed packages...
> > Configuring shim-0.1...
> > Setup.lhs: Error: Non-empty library, but empty exposed modules  
> list. Cabal may not build this library correctly
> If this is a bug, let me know as soon as it's fixed.
> I want to use the os() predicate in the shim descriptor, is that  
> already working?

This should work:

Name:           shim
Version:        0.1
License:        BSD3
License-file:   LICENSE
Copyright:      (c) 2006 Benedikt Schmidt
Maintainer:     Benedikt Schmidt <beschmi at cloaked.de>

Library {
   Buildable: False
   if os(mingw32) {
     Build-depends: ghc, haskell98, base, parsec, network,  
Cabal<1.1.7, mtl, filepath
   } else {
     Build-Depends:  unix, ghc, haskell98, base, parsec, network,  
Cabal<1.1.7, mtl, filepath

Executable shim {
   Main-is:        Main.hs
   Ghc-Options:    -O0

Executable shim-udproxy {
   Main-is:        Shim/Udproxy.hs
   Ghc-Options:    -O0 -main-is Shim.Udproxy.main

BTW, the os() test should test for the value returned by  
System.Info.os  .

/ Thomas

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