Testing Cabal

Thomas Schilling nominolo at googlemail.com
Tue Jun 19 19:21:18 EDT 2007

Now that I built my first (bogus) package that takes advantage of  
configurations I tried to run the test suite again, but I'm not sure  
what the intended output is.  What's a bit strange is that my current  
version drops file ".configured_cabal" in the directory where  
Setup.lhs is, but I can't find that file anywhere (it currently isn't  
removed by the clean command.)

Here's what I get:

$ make tests
mkdir -p dist/debug
ghc --make -cpp -Wall -DHAVE_UNIX_PACKAGE -DDEBUG -odir dist/debug - 
hidir dist/debug -idist/debug/:src:tests/HUnit-1.0/src tests/ 
ModuleTest.hs -o moduleTest
[ 1 of 39] Compiling HUnitLang        ( tests/HUnit-1.0/src/ 
HUnitLang.lhs, dist/debug/HUnitLang.o )

    -- snip --

[ 2 of 39] Compiling HUnitBase        ( tests/HUnit-1.0/src/ 
HUnitBase.lhs, dist/debug/HUnitBase.o )

    -- etc. --

[39 of 39] Compiling Main             ( tests/ModuleTest.hs, dist/ 
debug/Main.o )
Linking moduleTest ...
rm -f Distribution/*.o Distribution/*.hi
rm -f Distribution/Compat/*.o Distribution/Compat/*.hi
rm -f Distribution/PreProcess/*.o Distribution/PreProcess/*.hi
rm -f Distribution/Simple/*.o Distribution/Simple/*.hi
rm -f Language/Haskell/*.o Language/Haskell/*.hi
rm -f darcs* out.build *~ semantic.cache* x*.html
rm -f library-infrastructure--darcs.tar.gz
rm -rf setup *.o *.hi moduleTest dist installed-pkg-config
rm -f build-stamp
rm -rf dist/hugs
rm -f hunit-stamp hunitInstall-stamp
cd tests/HUnit-1.0 && make clean
rm -f setup a.out .setup-config register.sh unregister.sh out.build
rm -rf ,tmp* dist
find . -name "*.o" |xargs rm -f
find . -name "*.hi" |xargs rm -f
find . -name "*~" | xargs rm -f
cd tests/A && make clean
rm -f setup a.out .setup-config register.sh unregister.sh out.build
rm -rf ,tmp* dist
find . -name "*.o" |xargs rm -f
find . -name "*.hi" |xargs rm -f
find . -name "*~" | xargs rm -f
cd tests/wash2hs && make clean
rm -f setup a.out .setup-config register.sh unregister.sh out.build
rm -rf ,tmp* dist
find . -name "*.o" |xargs rm -f
find . -name "*.hi" |xargs rm -f
find . -name "*~" | xargs rm -f
cd doc && make clean
rm -fr *~ API users-guide Cabal.pdf Cabal.dvi semantic.cache
cd tests/A && make clean
rm -f setup a.out .setup-config register.sh unregister.sh out.build
rm -rf ,tmp* dist
find . -name "*.o" |xargs rm -f
find . -name "*.hi" |xargs rm -f
find . -name "*~" | xargs rm -f
cd tests/HUnit-1.0 && make clean
rm -f setup a.out .setup-config register.sh unregister.sh out.build
rm -rf ,tmp* dist
find . -name "*.o" |xargs rm -f
find . -name "*.hi" |xargs rm -f
find . -name "*~" | xargs rm -f
cd tests/A && make
ghc -cpp -DCABAL_VERSION=1,1,7 --make -i../.. Setup.lhs -o setup  
cd tests/HUnit-1.0 && make
ghc -cpp -DCABAL_VERSION=1,1,7 --make -i../.. Setup.lhs -o setup  

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