Hackage plan

Simon Marlow simonmarhaskell at gmail.com
Wed Jan 17 05:22:11 EST 2007

Isaac Jones wrote:

> I added some ideas about searching / querying the package database.
> One idea is that I really like the way trac does querying and
> group-by.  Once you build a query, you can also get an RSS feed based
> on that query.  It would be pretty easy, I'd guess, to have Hackage
> output RSS as well as html.

Yes, nice idea.

> I think that, as far as Hackage (not cabal-install) is concerned, the
> main usibility points are:
> 1) getting more packages into it
> 2) making sure that all the packages build together, and
> 3) searching

Ah yes, there was the idea of freezing a collection of packages that build 
together too.

> By the way, I really like the idea of tags instead of categories.
> Although categories are simpler to understand and obvious, so perhaps
> we should have a facet that's "PrimaryCategory" (or leaving the
> category field alone and adding tags).  There is something to be said
> for picking a "smart" default view for end-users, rather than giving
> them too many choices.  This view is quite nice:
> http://hackage.haskell.org/packages/archive/pkg-list.html

I think tagging is premature, just having categories with the ability to put a 
package into multiple categories will be just fine for now, IMO.  See my message 
yesterday on libraries at .


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