cabal for ghc 6.8.2, package upgrade warnings, please?
Claus Reinke
claus.reinke at
Mon Dec 3 21:38:00 EST 2007
>> okay, but you could help the package user to interpret the
>> compiler error messages, as outlined above.
> That does seem pretty hard.
it isn't nice, and it will never cover all cases. but the
issues are out there now, and offering the innocent
package builder some help shouldn't be that hard.
a quick hack with a couple of examples is attached -
needs work, but doesn't look "hard" in principle.
it is probably easy to get wrong, like all such things,
but as long as the current partially-broken state of
doing things is still available, offering a helpful command
wrapper could help to reduce the impact of those
package issues. and the second release of a new
ghc version tends to live a lot longer than the first..
you could probably scrape the most relevant
message patterns right from your hackage survey,
hackage build logs and recent haskell-cafe build
failure emails.
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