patch applied (cabal): Make configure much less verbose by default and give useful output with -v

Duncan Coutts duncan.coutts at
Fri Aug 17 00:36:21 EDT 2007

Thu Aug 16 21:24:14 PDT 2007  Duncan Coutts <duncan at>
  * Make configure much less verbose by default and give useful output with -v
  This actually brings it into line with the other commands which do not produce
  much output by default. It is very very quiet by default now though.
  To make the -v output nice we have to lower the verbosity one notch in places.

    M ./Distribution/Simple/Configure.hs -39 +41
    M ./Distribution/Simple/SetupWrapper.hs -1 +1
    M ./Distribution/Verbosity.hs +13

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