Call for testers: cabal2wix 0.1.0

Esa Ilari Vuokko eivuokko at
Tue Aug 7 08:55:27 EDT 2007


I have got first phase of cabal2wix done, it works for me,
on my machine.  I'm calling it 0.1.0. ;-)  This is not a public
release, just call for some help - if you have Windows and ghc
6.6.1, please consider trying out my MSIs, and let me know
your experience.

Some MSIs I built :

 * All MSI that are generated require Administrative rights,
   we need a plan where to put files for user-only installation.
   cabal2wix doesn't generate admin-specific code, but writing to
   default target, Program Files, requires admin rights.
 * There is no licenses included.  I am not sure why Cabal doesn't
   install license files, but it doesn't, and cabal2wix doesn't either.
 * I have only tested these in Windows Vista, with GHC 6.6.1
   packaged from Neil's installer scripts.
 * I didn't include docs on MSIs I built.

Current features
 * Supports GHC, only 6.6.1 tested.
 * Supports executables, libraries and combination packages.
   (But only single-executable and library-only packages have been
   tested at all.)
 * Register library on install, unregisters on remove.
 * Can pack two or more cabal packages into one installer, registers
   each library on their own.

darcs repo at:

Building cabal2wix requires:
 * Default installation of ghc 6.6.1; base, filepath, cabal and
 * Windows (misuse of filepath's </>)

Using requires:
 * Wix tools 3
 * Packages buildable with cabal cabal2wix uses.

Quick usage info:
Setup configure
Setup build
Setup copy --destdir=dist\cabal2wix
cabal2wix . -o dist\foo.wxs
candle dist\foo.wxs -out dist\foo.wixobj
light dist\foo.wixobj -out foo.msi

Darcs repo has scripts\build-msi.bat, which semi-automates using
tar,gzip,cabal,cabal2wix and wix 3.


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