Broken head
Simon Marlow
simonmarhaskell at
Mon Aug 6 04:48:17 EDT 2007
Manuel M T Chakravarty wrote:
> Running validate on the current (Mon Aug 6 12:42:45 EST 2007) head,
> gives me
> /opt/local/bin/ghc -H64m -Onot -fasm -I. -Iinclude -Rghc-timing -O
> -fasm -ignore-package Cabal -ignore-package filepath -I../libraries
> -fglasgow-exts -no-recomp -c Distribution/System.hs -o
> Distribution/System.o -ohi Distribution/System.hi
> ../libraries/Cabal/Distribution/System.hs:14:10:
> Not in scope: `System.Info.os'
> This is on MacOS compiling with GHC 6.6.1.
> Duncan, did you run validate before pushing all these recent cabal patches?
We shouldn't expect Cabal developers to run GHC's validate when pushing
patches. The right thing to do is for GHC to use a branch of Cabal (subset
only, so no conflicts), and only push patches to GHC's branch after a validate.
This entails some extra overhead to the development model. Thoughts?
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