[C2hs] Re: darcs patch: automagically support stdcall calling convention when ...

Duncan Coutts duncan.coutts at googlemail.com
Mon Jun 14 10:21:28 EDT 2010

On Mon, 2010-06-14 at 04:07 -0500, Jonathan Rockway wrote:
> 1 patch for repository http://code.haskell.org/c2hs:
> Mon Jun 14 03:58:17 CDT 2010  Jonathan Rockway <jon at jrock.us>
>   * automagically support stdcall calling convention when the header file specifies it

That's great.

I've got a follow-on patch, perhaps you could review it?

I believe that one can specify attributes after a C function

void foo() __attribute__((__stdcall__));

as well as before with the syntax

void __attribute__((__stdcall__)) foo();

This patch looks at the attributes in both positions.

-------------- next part --------------
2 patches for repository http://code.haskell.org/c2hs/:

Mon Jun 14 09:58:17 BST 2010  Jonathan Rockway <jon at jrock.us>
  * automagically support stdcall calling convention when the header file specifies it

Mon Jun 14 15:12:13 BST 2010  Duncan Coutts <duncan at haskell.org>
  * Consider trailing stdcall attributes
  For example: void foo() __attribute__((stdcall));
  As well as:  void __attribute__((stdcall)) foo();
  Allow the stdcall as well as __stdcall__ attribute keyword,
  all such gnu C attribute keywords exist in both forms.

New patches:

[automagically support stdcall calling convention when the header file specifies it
Jonathan Rockway <jon at jrock.us>**20100614085817
 Ignore-this: d9ae8358959acb13d493c0530a96c8f8
] {
hunk ./src/C2HS/Gen/Bind.hs 130
                    SwitchBoard(..), Traces(..), putTraceStr, getSwitch)
 import C2HS.C     (AttrC, CObj(..), CTag(..),
                    CDecl(..), CDeclSpec(..), CTypeSpec(..),
-                   CStructUnion(..), CStructTag(..), CEnum(..), CDeclr(..),
+                   CStructUnion(..), CStructTag(..), CEnum(..), CDeclr(..), CAttr(..),
                    CExpr(..), CBinaryOp(..), CUnaryOp(..), CConst (..),
hunk ./src/C2HS/Gen/Bind.hs 143
                    checkForAlias, checkForOneAliasName, checkForOneCUName,
                    lookupEnum, lookupStructUnion, lookupDeclOrTag, isPtrDeclr,
                    dropPtrDeclr, isPtrDecl, getDeclOf, isFunDeclr,
-                   refersToNewDef, CDef(..))
+                   refersToNewDef, partitionDeclSpecs, CDef(..))
 -- friends
 import C2HS.CHS   (CHSModule(..), CHSFrag(..), CHSHook(..),
hunk ./src/C2HS/Gen/Bind.hs 788
     extType <- extractFunType pos cdecl isPure
     header  <- getSwitch headerSB
     when (isVariadic extType) (variadicErr pos (posOf cdecl))
-    delayCode hook (foreignImport header ideLexeme hsLexeme isUns extType)
+    delayCode hook (foreignImport (extractCallingConvention cdecl)
+                    header ideLexeme hsLexeme isUns extType)
     traceFunType extType
     traceFunType et = traceGenBind $
hunk ./src/C2HS/Gen/Bind.hs 811
 -- | Haskell code for the foreign import declaration needed by a call hook
-foreignImport :: String -> String -> String -> Bool -> ExtType -> String
-foreignImport header ident hsIdent isUnsafe ty  =
-  "foreign import ccall " ++ safety ++ " " ++ show entity ++
+foreignImport :: CallingConvention -> String -> String -> String -> Bool -> ExtType -> String
+foreignImport cconv header ident hsIdent isUnsafe ty  =
+  "foreign import " ++ showCallingConvention cconv ++ " " ++ safety
+  ++ " " ++ show entity ++
   "\n  " ++ hsIdent ++ " :: " ++ showExtType ty ++ "\n"
     safety = if isUnsafe then "unsafe" else "safe"
hunk ./src/C2HS/Gen/Bind.hs 1724
               int    = CIntType    undefined
               signed = CSignedType undefined
+-- handle calling convention
+-- -------------------------
+data CallingConvention = StdCall | C_Call -- remove ambiguity with C2HS.C.CCall
+                       deriving (Eq)
+-- | determine the calling convention for the provided decl
+extractCallingConvention :: CDecl -> CallingConvention
+extractCallingConvention (CDecl specs _ _) =
+  if hasStdCall then StdCall else C_Call
+    where hasStdCall' (CAttr x _ _) = identToString x == "__stdcall__"
+          hasStdCall = any hasStdCall' attributes
+          attributes = ((\(_,attrs,_,_,_) -> attrs) . partitionDeclSpecs) specs
+-- | generate the necessary parameter for "foreign import" for the
+-- provided calling convention
+showCallingConvention :: CallingConvention -> String
+showCallingConvention StdCall = "stdcall"
+showCallingConvention C_Call = "ccall"
 -- offset and size computations
 -- ----------------------------
[Consider trailing stdcall attributes
Duncan Coutts <duncan at haskell.org>**20100614141213
 Ignore-this: 6bf9ba175b2b25d6eacca4be2607a704
 For example: void foo() __attribute__((stdcall));
 As well as:  void __attribute__((stdcall)) foo();
 Allow the stdcall as well as __stdcall__ attribute keyword,
 all such gnu C attribute keywords exist in both forms.
] {
hunk ./src/C2HS/Gen/Bind.hs 1727
 -- handle calling convention
 -- -------------------------
-data CallingConvention = StdCall | C_Call -- remove ambiguity with C2HS.C.CCall
+data CallingConvention = StdCallConv
+                       | CCallConv
                        deriving (Eq)
 -- | determine the calling convention for the provided decl
hunk ./src/C2HS/Gen/Bind.hs 1733
 extractCallingConvention :: CDecl -> CallingConvention
-extractCallingConvention (CDecl specs _ _) =
-  if hasStdCall then StdCall else C_Call
-    where hasStdCall' (CAttr x _ _) = identToString x == "__stdcall__"
-          hasStdCall = any hasStdCall' attributes
-          attributes = ((\(_,attrs,_,_,_) -> attrs) . partitionDeclSpecs) specs
+extractCallingConvention cdecl
+  | hasStdCallAttr cdecl = StdCallConv
+  | otherwise            = CCallConv
+  where
+    isStdCallAttr (CAttr x _ _) = identToString x == "stdcall"
+                               || identToString x == "__stdcall__"
+    hasStdCallAttr = any isStdCallAttr . funAttrs
+    funAttrs (CDecl specs declrs _) =
+      let (_,attrs',_,_,_) = partitionDeclSpecs specs
+       in attrs' ++ funEndAttrs declrs
+    -- attrs after the function name, e.g. void foo() __attribute__((...));
+    funEndAttrs [(Just ((CDeclr _ (CFunDeclr _ _ _ : _) _ attrs _)), _, _)] = attrs
+    funEndAttrs _                                                           = []
 -- | generate the necessary parameter for "foreign import" for the
 -- provided calling convention
hunk ./src/C2HS/Gen/Bind.hs 1754
 showCallingConvention :: CallingConvention -> String
-showCallingConvention StdCall = "stdcall"
-showCallingConvention C_Call = "ccall"
+showCallingConvention StdCallConv = "stdcall"
+showCallingConvention CCallConv   = "ccall"
 -- offset and size computations


[Deprecate unused functions in the C2HS source module
Duncan Coutts <duncan at haskell.org>**20100608003144
 Ignore-this: 97a58b35219b3235cf4bccd11c49fc3e
 It should not be a general provider of utility functions.
 It should just be for marshaling functions that are needed
 by code generated by c2hs.
[Generate standard marshalers for int, float and bool
Duncan Coutts <duncan at haskell.org>**20100608000741
 Ignore-this: 302d7c98b3de571ed8f795c6272f9db8
 Rather than non-stanard aliases from the annoying C2HS module.
[Remove redundant vim modeline which apparently confuses emacs
Duncan Coutts <duncan at haskell.org>**20100530224328
 Ignore-this: 3d6c5aae17fb80fc690ebee4749d0acc
 Also add ghc-options: -fwarn-tabs
[Extend the sizeof test to do alignment too
Duncan Coutts <duncan at haskell.org>**20100423174026
 Ignore-this: 46730bba6e9c3b9a3de6f2049a0b08a6
 The bitfield size tests fail. See ticket #10.
[Rename "alignment" keyword to "alignof"
Duncan Coutts <duncan at haskell.org>**20100423173753
 Ignore-this: 4b3a8530eb5d65245c5b15b36069fe71
 To match sizeof, and the GNU C __alignof__ keyword.
 Also fix implementation to return the alignment rather than size.
[alignment keyword support
ron at gamr7.com**20091022153809
 Ignore-this: 6bc67ccada198cb9979a0ed04a003839
[TAG 0.16.2
Duncan Coutts <duncan at haskell.org>**20100422171301
 Ignore-this: 961a5a4883231850ff0f7248beb1b439
[Bump version number
Duncan Coutts <duncan at haskell.org>**20100422171232
 Ignore-this: 8b89818bc1879f0403f9ba3f90bc07fa
 Will use even numbers for releases.
[Specify GPL version number 2 in .cabal metadata
Duncan Coutts <duncan at haskell.org>**20100422171209
 Ignore-this: 5088233f62c4286e17fe0d6267346c9d
[Fix a few warnings
Duncan Coutts <duncan at haskell.org>**20100422171022
 Ignore-this: c3889d1a59cccc206c6a301db97633ce
[Remove a couple old comments that are no longer applicable
Duncan Coutts <duncan at haskell.org>**20100419224920
 Ignore-this: 17026945fea02ec85ee1fa48fc2d86c5
[Bump version number
Duncan Coutts <duncan at haskell.org>**20100419224828
 Ignore-this: 687f3af0846f640430e5e9bf33c39d96
[Specify source repository in .cabal file
Duncan Coutts <duncan at haskell.org>**20100419224706
 Ignore-this: d9370e4b60aa8f27b761656c48c051ad
 Requires Cabal 1.6, also allows using file globs for extra source files
[Workaround .chs lexer problem by using latin1 encoding
Duncan Coutts <duncan at haskell.org>**20100419224401
 Ignore-this: 6714eb66dcda0e766b4e933f082ce839
 The .chs lexer cannot handle chars > 255 so as a workaround force the
 file I/O to use latin1 encoding. This becomes a problem with base-4.2
 since by default it uses locale encoding where preciously it used only
 latin1 encoding. Eventually we should move to .chs files being utf8
 since .hs files are utf8.
[Improve error message formatting in some cases
Duncan Coutts <duncan at haskell.org>**20100419224223
 Ignore-this: 311b937efd9ce34897ed58f8ca84b44e
 Workaround for wierd Show instance for CError from language-c
[Fix printing of FFI foreign entity strings to not have leading whitespace
Duncan Coutts <duncan at haskell.org>**20100419223932
 Ignore-this: 3ca3ce15b0efb62e5560dc13de293253
 Early betas of ghc-6.12 could not parse these. Fixed in 6.12.1 I think
 but still worth making the output prettier.
[Fix line number info in error messages about C function types
Duncan Coutts <duncan at haskell.org>**20100419223032
 Ignore-this: a3e40d7ae3ae51613505289d0ab4ad8f
 Preserve source positions when constructing attributes while
 analysing C function declarations. In particular this fixed the
 error messages for binding long double C types.
[Workaround the lack of CLDouble support in ghc/base
Duncan Coutts <duncan at haskell.org>**20100419134939
 Ignore-this: 29920798e12fdc8dbcef328a0d94af9e
 If users try to bind to functions that use "long double" they
 will get an error message about the type not being supported.
[TAG 0.16.0
Duncan Coutts <duncan at haskell.org>**20090228132823] 
Patch bundle hash:

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