[C2hs] Re: c2hs + language.c

Benedikt Huber benjovi at gmx.net
Thu Aug 21 09:09:44 EDT 2008

On 21.08.2008, at 03:18, Manuel M T Chakravarty wrote:
> Duncan Coutts:
>> On Wed, 2008-08-20 at 18:36 +0200, Benedikt Huber wrote:
>>> Hello !
>>> I've set up a branch of c2hs using Language.C's parser and pretty
>>> printer.
>>>> http://code.haskell.org/~bhuber/c2hs
>>> The branch also fixes a couple of bugs (#6,#8,#9,#12) and, as a  
>>> small
>>> bonus, implements enum define hooks (Bug #5).
> Wow, great!  Good work!
thank you !
The latest language-c (0.3.1), which is needed for this branch, is now  
on hackage.

>> Woo hoo!
>> When you're happy we should merge this into mainline c2hs.
> Yes, that would be great.
I'm happy to help out, so just tell me if you want any additional  
changes or just a subset of the current ones.
If possible, I'd like to add a few more tests (against known/fixed  

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